Tuesday, September 21, 2010

10 Profitable Ways To Recycle Your Content

1. Repackage your web site content in to different
products to sell. You could create speeches, audio
books, classes, and video tapes with your content.

2. Divide your content up and use it for promotional
articles. You could submit them to other web sites
or ezines for publicity. Just add your resource box.

3. Allow people to link to your web site's content.
This is a fast way to get hundreds of people linking
to your web site.

4. Add to your content and create an ebook to sell.
You don't want to sell your f.ree content, but if you
add to it you can. It's an extra profit stream.

5. Compile it into a f.ree ebook. You could s.ubmit
it to f.ree ebook directories. Use it as a bonus
for when people subscribe to your e-zine.

6. Use your f.ree content as a lead in product for
your fee based content or private site. Just allow
them the option of up grading to the paid version.

7. Place it on follow-up autoresponders from your
web site. This is a great way to remind people to
come back and revisit your web site.

8. Create a f.ree bonus out of your content for your
main product. When you add new content, r.emove
the old content and create a bonus product with it.

9. Use the content to create a press release. This
works well if you need extra information for your
press release announcement.

10. Trade content with other web sites. It will give
you the chance to get new content and promote
your web site at the same time.

Quote of the Day:
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality,
it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.

Tired Of Chasing Friends?
We Can Show You How To Generate
50 - 100+ Leads A Day For YOUR Biz!

HOTTEST marketing strategy right now

The Best

"Starbuck Guy"

Randy Flaherty
Contact: 320-239-4537

10 Profitable Ways To Recycle Your Content

1. Repackage your web site content in to different
products to sell. You could create speeches, audio
books, classes, and video tapes with your content.

2. Divide your content up and use it for promotional
articles. You could submit them to other web sites
or ezines for publicity. Just add your resource box.

3. Allow people to link to your web site's content.
This is a fast way to get hundreds of people linking
to your web site.

4. Add to your content and create an ebook to sell.
You don't want to sell your f.ree content, but if you
add to it you can. It's an extra profit stream.

5. Compile it into a f.ree ebook. You could s.ubmit
it to f.ree ebook directories. Use it as a bonus
for when people subscribe to your e-zine.

6. Use your f.ree content as a lead in product for
your fee based content or private site. Just allow
them the option of up grading to the paid version.

7. Place it on follow-up autoresponders from your
web site. This is a great way to remind people to
come back and revisit your web site.

8. Create a f.ree bonus out of your content for your
main product. When you add new content, r.emove
the old content and create a bonus product with it.

9. Use the content to create a press release. This
works well if you need extra information for your
press release announcement.

10. Trade content with other web sites. It will give
you the chance to get new content and promote
your web site at the same time.

Quote of the Day:
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality,
it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: Randoflaherty@hotmail.com
Contact: 320-239-4537
Free training - starbuckproleads.com

Attraction Marketing System

HOTTEST marketing strategy right now

Tired Of Chasing Friends?
We Can Show You How To Generate
50 - 100+ Leads A Day For YOUR Biz!

HOTTEST marketing strategy right now

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

6 Ways To Create Income With Your Web Site

1. Sell advertising space on your web site. Youcould sell banner or classified ads. If you wantto make more money, sell sponsor ads that gettop placement or the best exposure. 2. If you have enough web space, you could rentother people web pages. You could also givethem away for f.ree and make m.oney by includingyour banner ad on the web pages. 3. Charge people a fee to access part of yourweb site. People will pay you m.oney for yourweb site content if it's valuable to them. Thecontent can be ebooks, reports, software, etc. 4. Sell y.our own products or services. Theyshould be related to your target audience. Youwant to be able to take c.redit cards on yoursite and deliver your product to them as fast as possible. 5. Make m.oney selling other people's productsand services through affiliate programs. They'll give you a link to track all your sales.You couldbe paid per sale, c.lick or sign-up. 6. Publish an e-zine from your web site. Havethem subscribe to the e-zine right from your web site. You could sell classified or sponsoradvertising inside your e-zine. Quote of the Day: "The best way to save m.oney is not to lose it." -- Les Williams Auto Insurance To Your Succuess Randy Flaherty - The Starbuck Man. http://wwww.powerman297@hotmail.com

10 Magic Ways To Boost Your E-zine Subscribers :-)

1. Show your potential subscribers a sample issue
of your e-zine. Black out some of the important
info; this will make them more curious & subscribe.

2. Give away a f.ree follow-up autoresponder course.
Publish your e-zine ad in each lesson. The more
people see it, the higher the chance they'll subscribe.

3. O.ffer your potential customers a discount on a
particular product you sell if they subscribe to your
f.ree e-zine.

4. Give other businesses permission to give a f.ree
subscription to your e-zine as a bonus for a product
they sell.

5. Ask your potential subscribers questions that'll
persuade them to subscribe like: "Would you like to
be able to retire before you're 40?"

6. Write your e-zine's ad to sound like it is common
sense to subscribe. For example: "E.veryone knows
you have to...

7. Assume people are going to instantly subscribe to
your e-zine. For example: "Dear Healthy Subscriber"
They will want to subscribe in order to feel healthy..

8. Allow your subscribers to collect stuff from each
issue of your e-zine. It could be ebooks or software..
They'll tell others and those people will subscribe..

9. Tell people what their friends or family might say
as a result of them of learning what's in your e-zine..
People care about what other people think of them.

10. Make people feel like it's their idea to subscribe,
they will be less hesitant. Tell them in your ad "You
are making a smart decision for subscribing".

Quote of the Day:

"Many people make the mistake of thinking that all the
challenges in their lives would dissipate if they just had
enough money. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Earning more money, in and of itself, rarely frees people.
It's equally ridiculous to tell yourself that greater
f.inancial freedom and mastery of your finances would not
o.ffer your greater opportunities to expand, share, and
create value for yourself and others." -- Anthony Robbins


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HOTTEST marketing strategy right now

To Your Succuess

Randy Flaherty - The Starbuck Man.

Attraction Marketing System

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Generate Leads Online - 5 Ways to Do It & Plus Alot More With My Lead System Pro

Leads or potential customers are one of the most important resources of any business. It is important to remember that leads are not only potential new customers, existing customers are also to be considered leads and they are our most valuable leads because we may already have built a relationship with them. A customer who has already bought from you is much more likely to buy again than a new potential customer.

The Internet makes the job of lead generation much easier than it once was. In the past sales teams relied on word of mouth referral and long painstaking research which led to cold calling and generally low conversion rates because of the difficulty in targeting the correct type of leads for a particular product or service. The reason for this is because profiling potential customers was limited in the information it could provide.

Here are five ways to market your business online and generate a constant stream of new leads while qualifying them as targeted and building a relationship with them before you ever meet them.

1. Social media Interaction

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn, to mention a few allow you to set up a profile for yourself or your business or group. The value of this is that everybody who is using social media has a profile which they set up with their account. Because they have added their preferences to their profile we know a lot about them and can target friends or subscribers according to their likelihood of being interested in your business niche.

This is a powerful way of building an online presence and a brand which is laser targeted to your ideal customer. There are many ways of engaging with people and giving them value and the opportunity to get to know and trust you and your business. Build yourself as an authority by always giving value in the form of useful and interesting information relevant to your niche and not your business directly.

Put links on your profiles which allow people to visit your blog or free gift (lead capture page) but don't pitch your business directly. You may notice that some big brands are now using social media but rarely will you see them pitch an offer because they are there to build relationships and their brand through social interaction with no overt intention other than having fun.

2. Blogging

A blog is different from a website because a website shows what you do in terms of your product or service but it doesn't say much about you and usually it is not possible for your potential customer to connect with you directly. A blog is where you you can romance your customer by giving them information and perspectives on the benefits of what you are offering.

Using a blog we can accept feedback and gain insight into what customers want and expect in an informal and very informative way. Blogging is where we can really take relationships to the next level leading to visits to our official or sales site which have a much higher conversion rate.

3. Lead Capture Page

Every website should have a lead capture page which is simply a page with a form where a potential customer can fill in their name and e mail address in return for more information or even better an incentive of some sort, like a free gift or service. The people who opt in on a lead capture page are highly likely to be qualified leads that will make a purchase when you take the time to build a relationship with them.

You can also then market to them by means of email marketing. It is important to offer value upfront in any of these methods including e mail marketing. You might start off with giving useful information that people in your niche will be interested in and build up to offering your products or services on the backend. There are great software systems that make it possible to completely automate your lead capture page and all of the follow up communications.

4. Website design

When someone visits your website you have 8 seconds to make an impression or they are gone. If a potential customer has taken the time to find you either by searching Google or by coming in through social media or your blog, you need to capture their attention immediately. Generally one of the most important things to have is a professional looking site with your logo and branding fully visible.

It might sound obvious but most people are looking for contact details, so make sure they are immediately visible. You need to have clear information about what you do on the front page and especially the benefits a customer will get by doing business with you. A video is very useful and people respond well to seeing a physical and audio presence and also it holds peoples attention for longer. The Video shouldn't be more than 3 to 4 minutes long. Remember to have a lead capture box always above the fold and on every page if possible.

5. E zine (online magazine) Articles and Forums

Another way of becoming an authority is by writing about your niche. There are many e zines and directories online that cater for every niche and they accept articles on all of these niches. You can set up an account with any of these e zines usually free of charge. If you don't have the time or the writing talent there are many ways to create the content you require. There are professional article writers that you can find online and also there are sites where you can buy private label rights articles on every subject and niche.

By posting articles to e zines online you are also creating back links to your website or blog which are ranked accordingly by Google. Because many of the popular e zines are considered authority sites by Google you will also get free Google traffic to your blog or website using this method. Join online forums in your niche where people are talking about the kinds of thing that your product or service can provides a solution. Post threads and comment on other peoples threads. You will include your web or blog addresses on your profile and on your posted comments. This is laser targeted both to your target audience and to getting information on their needs.

You may say, I have a small business and I have enough to do already. How do I find the time to do all this? The fact is that you can outsource 100% of this work very effectively. In every area of marketing your business online or offline there are specialists who can show you what to do and how, and there are those who can actually physically do it for you.
"Band Yourself & Your Business With My Lead System Pro"
You Simply Were Never Taught How To Generate 100+ Laser Targeted Prospects Per Day to Your MLM Business Because Your UPLINE DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE as to How the Top MLM Money Earners Build Online Empires And Crush The Competition...
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The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty
My Lead System Pro
Contact: powerman297@hotmail.com
Contact: 320-239-4537 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              320-239-4537      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Attraction Marketing System

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

MLSP, the Network Marketers Secret Weapon For Internet Marketing, Recruiting and List Building

You Simply Were Never Taught How To Generate 100+ Laser Targeted Prospects Per Day to Your MLM Business Because Your UPLINE DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE as to How the Top MLM Money Earners Build Online Empires And Crush The Competition...

There is a trend in network marketing that is so powerful, if you are not doing it you are literally missing out on a TON of money. It's called internet marketing.

What is internet marketing? There are actually endless layers of strategies that fall under the category of internet marketing. Google ads, Social Media, Press Releases, ezines, Solo ads, Blogging, Yahoo ads, Video marketing, etc. I work with and train hundreds of people around the world in internet and network marketing and the description I give is "We create a virtual mirror image of you on the internet where you expose and recruit people to your business 24 hours a day-7 days a week." When one of you are sleeping or on vacation the "virtual you" is still online working. Pretty cool right?

When I first got involved in network marketing my upline was telling to make a list of everyone I know, go to all these meetings, and talk to everyone within 3 feet of me then teach others to duplicate that. 97% of people fail using those techniques, so why in the world would I want to teach my team duplicate that? I knew there was a better way and decided to research what else was working for people in this industry.

I came across Mike Dillards Magnetic Sponsoring from a good friend. This was a very eye opening discovery for me as it was EXACTLY the type of information I was seeking. Anyone who is serious about making money in network marketing should visit that website and grab a copy of it...you will thank me later for this. Here was the first time I heard terms like "attraction marketing," "self funded campaign," and "magnetic sponsoring." I actually request all my team read this as they join because the information gained can literally determine if you are going to fail or be successful. Plus we will speak the same "language" while building our team.

Now my brain was totally primed for this attraction marketing and I searched for avenues to apply this over the internet. I tried a few companies and systems that were total failures. Crossed those off my list and kept searching. Finally as fate would have it....I came across the MLSP online attraction marketing lead system that was designed specifically based off the principles of what Mike Dillard was writing and teaching about. WOW! I was thrilled to find it and eager to put MLSP to the test for my business.

MLSP has simple step by step videos that allow anyone to turn into a legit internet marketer in a few hours...opposed to a few months or years it takes for most. They offer FREE webinars with access to some really fantastic industry leaders. I was really excited when Mike Dillard did a live webinar for the members a few weeks ago. I began to generate leads everyday for my business once I put this system to work for me. I have not looked back since and my businesses are thriving. I take a lot of pride in working with others and showing them the template me and other successful marketers use everyday.

So if you want to be successful in network "marketing"...make sure you have a complete online "marketing" system that the top 5% of money earners are using like MLSP http://www.starbuckproleads.com or corp.starbuckproleads.com

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"Band Yourself & Your Business With My Lead System Pro"
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Cutting-Edge Marketing Strategies
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The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty
Attraction Marketing System

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What is MLSP? - People Are Asking

"Band Yourself & Your Business With My Lead System Pro"

It can be somewhat complicated to make clear what My Lead System Pro (MLSP) is, so let's first go over what it accomplishes. MLSP helps network marketers get over the main challenges anyone starting off in this business needs to work through: 1) Lack of Prospects to speak with & 2) Lack of Cash-Flow. SO keep that in the back of your mind as we go over what it is.

MLSP is a fully customizable attraction internet marketing method for network marketors or direct sales pros, and it works regardless what primary company you represent. You can use some of the system offline, but it provides the biggest bang for your buck when used as the base for a network marketer's online presence. That is the magic, that instead of trying to figure out who you're going to talk to about your business, a network marketer can now create an online brand that brands the distributor as the leader. In the long run it makes more sense to promote yourself rather than a company website, and that really doesn't make things easier much in the eyes of would-be prospects.

So, getting back to what it is… MLSP is many things. It is a variety of web sites that prospects will see and can opt into so they can get more details about products and services from a distributor It is the back office that tracks and manages all the traffic that has come to those landing pages. It is where you'll learn how to make traffic. It is a source for many affiliate programs that help the making of that traffic to those websites.

There are strategies ranging from No-Cost to full-blown Google pay-per click advertising campaigns that can be used. It is a community of online business owners who share their knowledge so that we keep each other in the know on the major trends on online marketing and home based business.

It is training calls with top internet marketers. It is a way to end harrassing your friends and family just to signup some people in your business. That, my friends, is the best part. It is the key to anyone who has asked the question, "Is there anyway I can develop my network marketing system online somehow?" MLSP will work with any business; it doesn't matter if you're in a juice company, a travel company, in the health industry, or financial services it will help any organization. Because finding new people to talk to about your MLM isn't easy, I highly recommend My Lead System Pro for your organization. So take a moment now to check out My Lead System Pro and take it for a test drive for one month and become a MLSP member.

The training provided inside the system is all offered by some of the most best known, marketing savvy teachers in the internet marketing arena. The tutorial videos actually hold your hand step by step setting up the method and how to market in whatever realm that you wish.

People are searching for a leader; someone that can make the path quicker; someone who can help them earn a living; a tool the can use to mold themselves into the leader and expert that they are going to need become to succeed in internet marketing and network marketing. People don't want to be sold, but are eager to buy if they believe they are going to get a lot of worth

So the big question you probably have is: Does it work? Well, the best answer you find is: It Depends… I know that's pretty vague, but it's the truth. The biggest challenges will be learning the "language" of online marketing. There are so many avenues to take, it can require serious focus to get a feel on what will work for you, and each person is different. The positive thing is that when you get into your stride, (and that can be as fast a few days…) you'll have more leads than you know what to do with. So, whether one uses paid marketing methods, or free ways of marketing, there needs to be some massive action and that's the bottom line. But for a just a little bit, imagine a world, where prospects seek you out instead of YOU having to reach out first…

Benefits of MyLeadSystemPRO include:
* Websites that brand you.
* Rrofessionally written autoresponders that make you money.
* State-of-the-art tracking, split-testing & customization options.
* Over 100+ hrs of recorded video & audio training by 7-figure earners
* Step-by-step video tutorials that take you by the hand.
* Live weekly webinars covering all the skill-sets you must develop.
* Complete training center.
* Daily inspirational wake-up calls.
* Leadership levels & reward programs.
* MLSP Live Events.
* 24×7 worldwide live chat room support.
* 1-on-1 support, email support & phone support.
* A community of dedicated, ambitious marketers to connect, network & partner with.

"Less than 2 years ago I was dead broke making less than $1,000 a month with over $18K in debt. Within my first 3 months inside MLSP I had my first $10,000 mo and just bought a bimmer in CASH!"

"I've been in the direct sales and online business for over 17 years, and in the last 4 months alone I've grown been able to grow a team of over 1,000 people thanks to this system and the community inside MLP."

"I've Generated Over $100,000 In 10 Months!"

I want to thank Brian, Norbert & Todd for being the brilliant developers behind such a powerful system.

It has now been 10 months since I've started my online company and I'm pleased to say that thanks to all of the powerful tips and techniques that I've learned as a product of this training, I've generated over $100,000 in 10 months, earning over $30,000 this past month using the internet marketing methods I've learned from this community...

I Love This System!
Nicole Cooper

The Best

"Starbuck Man"
Randy Flaherty
Websites that brand you.

A New Era of Leadership is Born... Let the Revolution Begin

HOTTEST marketing strategy right now

"How To Rapidly Build A 6-Figure Network Marketing Business Using Just The Internet"

The Mission: MyLeadSystemPRO™ is the leading, cutting-edge educational platform engineered by the most successful entrepreneurs in the home based business arena with one goal in mind: Provide network marketers and business owners all the necessary tools, resources, websites, and ongoing training required to build a wildly successful and profitable home based business.

The MLSP® members’ results speak for themselves. Spend some time browsing this site and getting to know the MLSP community, which stands alone and at the forefront of our industry. You’ll soon understand why MLSP is considered the #1 attraction marketing system for serious entrepreneurs worldwide wanting to build any network marketing, internet marketing, or direct sales business.

Integrity, value, unmatched education, and legally and ethically putting as much money back into the MLSP® members’ pockets as possible is the foundation, which is why the MLSP community has taken the industry by storm. Our explosive, value-packed, weekly webinar trainings show our relentless commitment and dedication to our members’ success. Get the results you desire. Join the revolution.

Benefits of MyLeadSystemPRO include:

* Websites that brand you.
* Rrofessionally written autoresponders that make you money.
* State-of-the-art tracking, split-testing & customization options.
* Over 100+ hrs of recorded video & audio training by 7-figure earners
* Step-by-step video tutorials that take you by the hand.
* Live weekly webinars covering all the skill-sets you must develop.
* Complete training center.
* Daily inspirational wake-up calls.
* Leadership levels & reward programs.
* MLSP Live Events.
* 24×7 worldwide live chat room support.
* 1-on-1 support, email support & phone support.
* A community of dedicated, ambitious marketers to connect, network & partner with.

HOTEST marketing strategy right now,TWITTER... FOR FREE!
Generate 100+ leads per day
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"I've been in the direct sales and online business for over 17 years, and in the last 4 months alone I've grown been able to grow a team of over 1,000 people thanks to this system and the community inside MLP."


The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty
"JUST DO IT" 320-239-4537 "JUST DO IT"

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Lead System Pro - The Magical Worlds - The Wizard Formulas- Must See To Believe

If you’re sick and tired of spinning your wheels every day and you are still not getting MLM leads or putting money in your pocket, it’s time to take action. Learn my exact formula to generating free MLM leads and signing up more reps on autopilot with free online marketing strategies, Go Here NOW! => MLM Lead Formula!

Are You Failing Miserably in MLM? It’s not Your Fault...
You Simply Were Never Taught How To Generate 100+ Laser Targeted Prospects Per Day to Your MLM Business Because Your UPLINE DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE as to How the Top MLM Money Earners Build Online Empires And Crush The Competition...

Either Learn This Stuff TODAY Or Your Competitors Will Be Light Years Ahead Of You and Your MLM Business Will NEVER Stand a Chance… I'll Even Teach You for FREE!

"View Testimonials"

"I Have Learned So Many New Techniques"

I have been working directly with these guys for over 6 months, and they have proven themselves as a company that offers real value.

You will find a step-by-step blueprint with the tools, strategies, and principles you need to understand and put in to your business.

Norbert, Brian & Todd have taught me exactly how to succeed online through their extensive video library and marketing training. I have learned so many new techniques that I am putting into practice from the weekly webinars that are getting results right now. I am generating targeted leads daily and growing my business thanks to these guys!

Tracy Rewerts

"I Generated Over 10,000 Leads My 1st Year!"

I have been using MLSP for just over a year as a new online marketer. This well designed system enabled me to gain the skills that enabled me to generate over 10,000 leads and earn high profits in my first year of seriously marketing online.

I only see this system getting better and better. Thanks you guys!

Preston Rodrigues

"Over 30 Leads For My Business The First 10 Days!"

MLSP is the fastest lead generation system on the planet. I have only started implementing the article marketing strategy and in the first 10 days have generated over 30 double opt in leads.

My best day so far was on day 9 when I pulled 15 people into my system in one day. I'm excited about putting the other strategies into place. This is the first thing that has ever worked for me online. Congratulations MLSP on putting together an awesome lead generation system.

Chris Hopkins
Bunbury, Australia


"Within my first 60 days I generated my first 100 leads for FREE! I'm now at 20-30 leads per day with my blog spending $0.00 for this traffic. I don't know what I would've done without MLSP."

"Band Yourself & Your Business With My Lead System Pro"

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Generate 100+ leads per day
HOTTEST marketing strategy right now
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Seriously No guts,No glory
Network Marketing Rep...
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Cutting-Edge Marketing Strategies
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Websites that brand you.

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty
320 239 4537 ** "Just Do It"

Secret Formulas-My Lead System Pro Review – What Is It and Does It Work?


"Band Yourself & Your Business With My Lead System Pro"

If you aren't seriously interested in learning the most cutting-edge marketing strategies then you should continue to exit this page...
However, if you’re ready to take your business to the next level and want to learn how to generate 100+ leads per day to explode your MLM business then I have a special gift for you.
For submitting your information on this website I’m going to give you access to an exclusive 70-minute recorded webinar on the HOTTEST marketing strategy right now, TWITTER…
This 70-minute webinar will show you EXACTLY how the top network marketers are leveraging TWITTER to build powerful relationships, attract distributors into their business, and explode their income.
This TWITTER webinar will be yours immediatelyon the following page when you fill out the form below. You’ve got nothing to lose and a TWITTER education to gain FOR FREE!

So, does My Lead System Pro (formerly MLM Lead System Pro) really work? Yes, but it depends what you are looking for. In this My Lead System Pro Review, I will let you know exactly what MLSP is so that you can decide if it is a marketing system that will help you to market your business online.
Who Are The Founders of My Lead System Pro?

MLSP was founded almost 2 years ago by 3 network marketers – Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz, and Todd Schlomer. The 3 of them believed in Mike Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring and the idea of using Attraction Marketing as a way to separate yourself from the competition and market yourself and your business. Before MLSP, their stories read as your typical network marketing struggle, with some success and more failures. Obviously, they are kicking major butt right now!
What Exactly IsMy Lead System Pro ?

Simply put, MLSP is an online marketing training site AND self-branding internet marketing system geared to help network marketers capture leads. OK, Steve, that sounds great but what the heck do you mean??

1. The training you’ll receive is second to none. There is a ton of video training in the back office that literally takes you by the hand while showing you how to execute the exact strategies necessary to succeed online today. Nothing is held back.

2. The system is something you can immediately plug into and start generating leads for your business. You’ll be shown how to set-up an auto-responder system so that when you capture your leads, they are 100% yours (the money’s in the list!). You’ll receive tons of fully customizable lead capture pages -You can see one that converts well for me HERE – that you will use to capture leads. The #1 Reason for the high network marketing failure rate is the inability to generate enough network marketing leads every day.

3. MLSP is an affiliate marketing funnel. This is where you can generate multiple income streams. There are about 20 affiliate programs that you can join in your back office (you don’t need to pay to sell the products). This is called “monetizing your list”. 95% of people will say “NO” to joining your primary business opportunity but they will need many of the products that are located in the back-office if they truly expect to succeed online. When they purchase a product, you receive the commission! This can really add up over time.

4. My Lead System Pro is also their own affiliate program. You’ll receive $15 for every member you sign up each and every month they remain an active member so you only need 4 people to be in profit.
How Much Does My Lead System Pro?

MLSP is extremely cost effective, considering all that you receive that is critical to succeeding with your internet network marketing business. The cost for the first month is $29.97 and it’s $49.97 for each subsequent month. This price is less than or equal to the competing systems on the market like Carbon Copy Pro, Renegade Networker and The 7 Figure Networker to name a few.
Does It Work?

Simply put…it works if you let it. My Lead System Pro, or any internet marketing system, is not for everyone. You will obviously need to promote your lead capture pages and use the system or it will not work. Hopefully, you know by now that you actually have to treat your network marketing business like a “business” if you expect to make any money. And, my thinking is why reinvent the wheel if there’s already a system in place that you can follow step-by-step that is already proven to work? If you are already generating a substantial flow of leads everyday, then by all means keep doing what you are doing! But…

“…If you are not and you understand the importance of high-quality training & building Your Own list, then I strongly recommend that you take a look and consider making an investment in yourself and your business…”


"Within my first 60 days I generated my first 100 leads for FREE! I'm now at 20-30 leads per day with my blog spending $0.00 for this traffic. I don't know what I would've done without MLSP."

"I Absolutely Love MLSP ®!"

I absolutely love MLSP ®. Four months ago I started my online business and I knew nothing about marketing a business online, or even how to generate a single lead.
Within my first couple of weeks using this system I was able to generate well over a hundred leads just utilizing one free marketing strategy that is provided in the training. I collected multiple commission checks from affiliate sales for the first time ever, started building my internet business, and I haven't looked back since.

Tristan Richards
Ocho Rios, Jamaica W.I.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Requires Seeing and Believing -MLM Lead System Pro - MLMLeadSystemPro

You Simply Were Never Taught How To Generate 100+ Laser Targeted Prospects Per Day to Your MLM Business Because Your UPLINE DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE as to How the Top MLM Money Earners Build Online Empires And Crush The Competition...

Before You Decide To Join MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP) There Are A Few Things You Must Know.

MLSP was created in September 2008 by Norbert Orlewicz, Brian Fanale and Todd Schlomer. These 3 guys decided they needed a duplicatable system to train their own Network Marketing team using the concept of Attraction Marketing.

After using it very successfully with their teams, they decided that it would be a great help to a lot of network marketers struggling to use and understand how to use the Internet to market their business. MLM Lead System Pro was born and accessible to everyone.

Since 2008, MLSP has grown to an extremely strong community with incredible leaders from many different companies and with many different marketing approaches. MLSP is used all over the world, from the USA to the Philippines, Malaysia, Germany, etc.

The system continues to be fine tuned and improved all the time to bring the best to its members so they can generate hundreds of leads for their MLM business. If you want to learn how you can market your business online using state of the art marketing methods, I don't know a better place to do so.

1. MLM Lead System Pro Gives You a Turn-Key Lead Capture Page Branding YOU

A lot of people look over this and do not understand why they should be branding themselves and not the company they work with. Here is one simple reason: what will happen if your company closes its doors? All your marketing efforts will be ruined because you will have pushed your company on the front-end.

Now if you brand yourself instead of the company, then if something happens to your company or you decide it's time for you to try something else, then no big deal, just continue what you are doing and your prospects will not see any difference as you promote your MLM business in the back-end.

2. MLM Lead System Pro Helps You Create Your Own List Of Prospects

Creating a list is a key element for any business, offline or online. If you have been using your MLM company replicated website, they may have provided you a page where your prospects can register and receive information about your company.

MLSP will help you create your own list of prospects so you stay in touch with them at anytime. The big difference between MLSP and some of the other MLM lead generation systems available today is that MLSP let you use your own auto-responder so you own 100% of your leads. What I mean is that many systems have a built-in auto-responder which limits your options. For example, with a built-in auto-responder, you can't send your own emails to your list. MLSP let you send as many emails as you want. You are 100% in control.

And of course, the MLSP back office is full of training videos to help you set everything up.

3. MLM Lead System Pro Helps You Create Multiple Streams Of Income

As we know, we can't only rely on one stream of income only as it may be cut off at any time. That is why many people choose to start a Network Marketing business in a first place. If something happens to one source of income, then there is another one to take its place.

It is the same here to a second degree. It is a fact that it takes time to build a solid network marketing organization. If you only rely on your commission checks, it will take a long time to have a big enough downline to support your marketing efforts.

Creating new streams of income will allow you to make money in parallel to your primary MLM business. This is called a funded proposal. MLM Lead System Pro is build around this approach. It means that you will be able to show your prospects how they can make money 20 different ways almost on auto-pilot.

This is powerful because it will increase your retention rate and will significantly decrease the number of people quitting. Most people quit if they don't make any profit within 60 days.

So do you think that if you can show someone how to make a profit in less than 60 days they have any reason to quit? No!

4. MLM Lead System Pro Brings People In Front Of Your MLM Business Doorstep

This is the absolute goal of using this system. The system is a way to show people how to become successful in their MLM business. And because you are branding yourself, you are showing what you know, how you can help people, people will be open to listen to what you are doing and they will gladly have a look at your MLM Business.

MLSP was built around this concept and has a system in place to drive all your prospects to the presentation of your MLM Business. It was designed so you can customize your pages and present anything you want. It can be a company presentation or your own presentation. It's up to you. MLSP is powerfully flexible.

5. MLM Lead System Pro Trains You and Your Prospects To Internet Marketing

MLSP was designed by people who are building a MLM business themselves and they are constantly testing and learning new marketing methods. Not only there is now an incredible amount of training in the back office of the system but they constantly create new training.

There is a maxed-out weekly Wednesday training webinar by the top leaders in the industry and because this is such an incredible community, there are many other training webinars made available by the leaders within MLSP. The value of all this training itself is absolutely priceless.

There is no reason anybody would not create a successful MLM business with such support, training, tools and overall system.

MLM Lead System Pro was designed by serious Network Marketers for serious Network Marketers who want to harness the power of the Internet, generate 100's of leads on autopilot and put their MLM business on steroids.

I hope this review helped you understand what MLM Lead System is and that you now see the benefits you can have from it.

I know that all the possibilities can be quite overwhelming all together but when you take them one by one and study them, they become very powerful.

The only thing you have to do is click on the banner below and fill in the form on the next page (please input your phone number if you want the 1-on-1 session). You will then receive the first part of the FREE marketing training immediately in your email. You can also expect a call from me within 48 hours to answer any question you may have about Internet Marketing, about building a MLM business in general, about pretty much anything you want to ask.

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"Within my first 60 days I generated my first 100 leads for FREE! I'm now at 20-30 leads per day with my blog spending $0.00 for this traffic. I don't know what I would've done without MLSP."

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My Lead System Pro (MLSP) Says Conquer the Internet to Explode Your Income !

"Band Yourself & Your Business With My Lead System Pro"

Are You Tired Of Chasing Leads? Would You Like To Conquer The Internet and Have Leads Chasing You For Your Business?

Well I am going to Start by Telling you there is Good News and Bad News...

So Here is the bad news...

97% of the people in this industry don't make a dime! The reason for this is because they don't know how to market.

Most People are taught to only chase after their friends and family. You know what happens when you chase after people?

They RUN!

The Top 3% have discovered the secret to being able to Attract Leads and Conquer the Internet through Marketing. You see they market a solution and build their value in the eye of their prospect.

Of course they won't teach or show you this because then they would have too much competition. Even if they did give this stuff away it would take a team of internet geniuses or a ton of money to build out landing pages, auto-responders and campaigns they use.

There is good news...

Some of the top 3% who learned how to Conquer The Internet have decided to put together My Lead System Pro to so show you exactly what they do as well as teach anyone how to market online.

Brain Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz and Todd Schlomer the creators of My Lead System Pro were already top producers in their internet marketing business. Instead of teaching each person they meet the individual steps needed to build an online Empire, they put this incredible system together.

MLSP works so well it's almost like you're hacking into their computers and reprogramming their servers to give you, their unlimited traffic.

So What Is My Lead System Pro (MLSP) Exactly?

MLSP is a fully customizable, branded attraction marketing system designed to present you as the expert in your prospects eyes. It also comes with pre written auto-responder messages that follow up and build a relationship with your prospects for you.

Each week they have free marketing training where they bring in expert marketers with proven success to teach their secrets. These trainings are designed to help people learn different methods of driving traffic to their MLSP funnel.

MLSP continues to develop top marketers every day. The growth in this system is exponential because of the understanding that the only true way to explode your income is to market like the experts.

People are rising through the ranks in their perspective companies and becoming top 5 income earners in a matter of months. And this is all because they have learned to conquer the internet.

Do You want to keep Chasing Leads Or Discover How To Conquer The Internet?

Check out my review of My Lead System Pro if you're a serious entrepreneur and want the step by step blueprint for your business. The Conquer The Internet DVD will help you understand what it takes for you to explode your business online.


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Randy Flaherty
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Famous Last Words, Can't Find Leads, 5 reasons to consider MLSP

FREE! How to get up to 19 Checks Per Month, Earn Upwards of $519.17 Per Day, and Personally Sponsor 107 Reps into YOUR Primary Business in 60 Days or Less Marketing 1 Simple Website!

The founders of MLM Lead System Pro are Todd Schlomer, Norbert Orlewicz and Brian Fanale. Originally this trio had developed MLSP to teach and train their personal downline to market online through the attraction marketing technique. The system worked extremely well. In fact it worked so well they decided to open it up for anyone involved in MLM. Thus was the birth of MLM Lead System Pro.

MLM Lead System Pro has members all over the world who are growing their business with the MLSP system. MLSP continues to improve the system and help it's members increase their conversion rate into their primary MLM business. Some of the more current changes include a car bonus and increased affiliate commissions depending on your leadership level. The bonuses they deliver are great and the new marketing information brought out each week is cutting edge. If your craving is to learn web 2.0 marketing then you will not find a better resource than MLM Lead System Pro.

Below are 5 reasons to consider MLSP

Marketing and Leads

MLSP has the best online marketing resources you will find anywhere. I've looked everywhere so I can say this with confidence. They are also up to date and bringing out new content every week. Each Wednesday MLM Lead System Pro does a live online training for everyone in the system plus guest. Each and every week the call is maxed out with thousands of listeners. The key here is to teach you how to market online and generate the massive leads to build your business. In addition to the weekly training calls MLSP has a full library of online training videos that take you step by step and show you how to market online. The value and content here is unheard of in the MLM industry.

Multiple Income Streams

Built within the system is what is called "The Funded Proposal". Top MLM earners have used this since network marketing stated. What the funded proposal does is create additional income while you build your business. One example is MLSP rewards it's members a monthly check for their personal enrollees. This creates an income for a new member very quickly while they grow their primary business. There are over 20 separate ways MLSP member's can achieve extra earnings through the marketing system. This keeps your team retention rate up because they are making real money.

Building a List

List building is essential to any online business. All companies that market online to this in some fashion. You may even have a website provided by your MLM company where your prospects can leave their name, phone number and email address. The way MLSP is different in this area is very important. When a lead opts-in you own that lead. When a prospect opts-in on a company replicated web site the company gets that lead. MLM Lead System Pro does not have access to your leads or your sales funnel. They are owned by you. Why is this so great you might ask? The list is your #1 most powerful resource to market. After you get a list of generous size you have a marketing experience that will make you money again and again. A list of around 13,000 can build a full time income all on it's own. MLSP teaches you to do exactly this.

Promote You

Many people miss this in MLM. Look at the top people in your own MLM business. What are they selling? Themselves!. That's correct. All top MLM leaders promote themselves. MLSP does this for you through a series of custom web pages designed to make you a star. The templates are already in place so you don't have to do any programming. You simply customize it with your personality and blam you are up and running.. MLSP takes this a step further and teaches how to do this on social networks as well. There is no limit to how you brand yourself through MLM Lead System Pro.

MLSP Grows Your MLM Business

That's exactly what MLSP is designed to do. After everything the system does to promote you, generate leads and put immediate cash in your pocket it is after all a system to drive leads directly to your primary network marketing business. Your prospects will get exposure to your business several different times through presentations and auto-responder messages.

MLM Lead System Pro is designed for the genuine networker who wants a large quantity of leads to build his/her downline. I hope you enjoyed this material and that it help you see some of the in's and out's of MLSP.

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One Way Stop For Free - My Lead System Pro – 7 Tips for Success

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In case you didn’t know, My Lead System Pro (formerly known as MLM Lead System Pro) is a lead generation system for network marketers to create targeted MLM leads for their business. It’s a good alternative to buying business opportunity leads and cold calling them because instead of calling complete strangers, your My Lead System Pro leads will already know you because the system is designed to brand you and effectively introduce yourself to your leads.

I’ve been using this MLM lead generation system (which I rebranded as MLMLeadMachine.com) for a while and I’ve been answering a lot of questions from people looking into the system and from people just getting started with the system. I’ve compiled here the seven tips that I share most frequently with people who are looking to succeed with My Lead System Pro (MLSP).

Here they are:

1. Get Your System Set Up Within 48 Hours :-)

You can easily set up your MLSP system in a lot less than 48 hours. In fact, you could get it all configured in an afternoon or less. There’s a step-by-step checklist in the MLSP back office that walks you through the entire process of setting up your system.

The point of this tip is to encourage you to get your system set up right away versus procrastinating and taking many days to get it going. The sooner your system is set up, the sooner you can start your marketing and start getting those leads for your network marketing business.

2. Fill In All of Your Affiliate Codes :-)

MLSP is designed to create multiple income streams for you through the use of affiliate programs. The system will automatically send e-mails to all of your leads to market a wide variety of products and services such as GoDaddy, Magnetic Sponsoring, etc.

Every time one of your leads buys one of these products or services you’ll get a commission but ONLY if you’ve filled in your personal affiliate codes in the MLSP back office. There’s a special section in the back office where you can fill in more than a dozen affiliate codes. Make sure you take the time to obtain and enter these codes or you’ll be leaving a lot of money on the table.

3. Master One Marketing Skill to Start :-)

There are all kinds of ways you can market your MLSP lead capture pages. You can use free methods like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, articles and lots more. Or you can speed up your results with paid marketing methods such as pay per click ads or banner ads. The fact is, there are so many different ways to market your system that it’s easy to get overwhelmed and not know where to start.

I encourage everyone getting started with My Lead System Pro to pick just ONE marketing skill that they want to learn and focus on that skill only for at least the next 60 days. Sixty days may sound like a lot but it takes time to absorb the MLSP marketing training and come up to speed on any skill. And then you need time to practice your new skill and get good at it. Once you start seeing good results from your new skill and you feel comfortable with your knowledge of it, then you can study and master another marketing skill. And then another, and another, etc.

4. Follow-up with Your Leads :-)

As you start applying your marketing methods to your MLSP lead capture pages you’ll begin getting more and more leads. These are your exclusive leads. And even though the system is designed to automatically convert the leads from curiosity-seekers to paid MLSP subscribers, affiliate product buyers and ultimately members of your MLM business team, you can dramatically improve the likelihood of this happening by reaching out to connect with your leads personally.

If your leads provide a phone number that means they want you to call them–so give them a call! Share your experiences with MLSP, answer their questions and suggest they get started with the system so they can start creating their own leads online. What I like to do with all of my leads is to enter their e-mail address into Facebook. If they have a Facebook profile I’ll send them a note thanking them for stopping by my MLSP page and invite them to become a Facebook friend. Take the time to follow-up with all of your MLSP leads and your chances of having them become a customer and a team member go way up.

5. Help Others Get Started :-)

Now that you’ve been using the MLSP system for a while and you’ve had success creating your own MLM leads you’re in a perfect position to help your new MSLP customers get their systems set up. Just calling them and encouraging them to get started is often all it takes. You’ll sometimes get asked questions about specific items but you’ll know the answer because you’ve already been through the process.

If you ever run into a question you can’t answer there’s always the MLSP forums where the question can be asked and if that doesn’t work you or your customer can just open a ticket with MLSP Support. You want your My Lead System Pro subscribers to be completely satisfied and getting good results with the system because if the system is providing value to them they’ll stay subscribed which means a continuous income stream for you.

6. Create a Personal Video for Your Primary Business :-)

An important part of the MLSP automatic sales process is when your leads get exposed to your primary business. This is primarily done through a video that you link to in your My Lead System Pro back office. The mistake I see a lot of people making, though, is they’ll select a canned video from their network marketing company as the video they ask their leads to watch.

First of all, most of your leads won’t be interested in watching a canned video promoting a company they probably aren’t interested in. But more importantly, you’re passing up the opportunity to build additional rapport with your prospects when showing them a video that has nothing to do with you personally.

Instead, I encourage everyone to create a personal video for your primary business. This video should feature you explaining the benefits you’ve gotten through your MLM business, why you think your network marketing business can benefit the prospect, how you can help them succeed, etc. This approach is a whole lot more personal than some canned video from your MLM company and is a lot more likely to be watched and get results.

7. Never Quit! :-)

This is the most important tip of all! Most people using MLSP don’t realize that your MSLP system creates a harmless text file called a cookie in the browser of all of your leads. This means that if someone becomes one of your MLSP leads but doesn’t decide to become a paying subscriber right away, they are still connected to you through your cookie. So if they decide six months later to get started with MLSP you’ll get the credit and commissions, even if they go to ten other MLSP lead capture pages in the meantime.

This is why quitting MLSP after getting a bunch of leads in a few months would be a big mistake. A percentage of those leads are likely to get started with MLSP in the future and you want to be actively using the system when they do. Besides, considering it takes such a small number of subscribers to more than cover the monthly cost of MLSP you might as well stay in as long as the subscription is being paid for. You’ll be making a lot more than that if you follow these tips, though!

I hope you’ve gotten some value from these seven MLSP success tips. I’m sure you’ll have much better results with your system if you follow them. Please let me know if you have any feedback and questions in the comments area!


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Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Lead System Pro Marketing System

"Band Yourself & Your Business With My Lead System Pro"

The benefits of the influx of modern age with computers and the internet is wide ranging including in the field of marketing. The internet offers a lot of great opportunities to people, especially for those who are looking for an additional or alternative income. One of the best ways to earn through the internet is through online marketing, which is quite a popular trend because it is far more convenient to marketers to do business online with its vast global market that you can easily reach at home. However, online marketing is not something that is not easy. If you are just new in the field, you need to learn all of the marketing techniques and strategies in order for you to have a successful business. You may need all the help that you can get including an effective marketing system. One of the best and effective marketing systems available in the market is the My Lead System Pro.

You may be familiar with MLM Lead System Pro; this is the predecessor of My Lead System Pro marketing system, which was developed by top leaders in internet marketing – Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz, and Todd Schlomer. The My Lead System Pro is simply a system that gives the answer to all of your online marketing needs. It is a system that is designed for self-branding and helps internet marketers to capture leads. Capturing lead pages is one of the crucial tasks in online marketing. Through capturing leads pages, it ensures that all of the marketing efforts of the business are utilized and maximized. Thus, getting yourself a My Lead System Pro marketing system will be an advantage for your online marketing business.

Perks of My Lead System Pro Marketing System

It is essential for an online marketer to learn the different techniques and strategies in getting the work done in order to create a successful online business. The My Lead System Pro marketing system gives the online marketers the edge in the business.

1. Easy-to-use – Compared to other marketing systems that are widely available in the market, My Lead System Pro is easier to use and can be utilized by online marketers of all levels. My Lead System Pro allows small and new online marketers to compete with highly-experienced internet marketers. Moreover, you do not have to be that tech-savvy in order to use My Lead System Pro marketing system. All of your issues in your online marketing business are answered by the system as it accompanies with a thorough and well-guided training and tutorials to help the online marketers.

2. Customizable – My Lead System Pro marketing system is customizable, which means that you can easily duplicate the techniques as well as the strategies for your affiliates. This makes the task easier. Moreover, you can easily customize your marketing strategies and let you achieve the level of branding that you desire. This particular marketing system also allows the use of a lot of marketing campaigns that can promote your business and can attract more customers.

3. More cash flow – My Lead System Pro marketing system is something that you can easily plug and can start generating leads for your business. The system will show you on how to set up an autoresponder system that will help you in owning leads that you capture. Moreover, you will be able to receive a lot of customizable lead pages that give you the edge over other businesses because of your ability to create marketing leads everyday. By using this particular marketing system, you can have over 20 affiliates that can market your product or services and get your business out in the open. Thus, you will attract more clients and money at your business.

4. Unparalleled marketing system – You can find no other system that can be compared to My Lead System Pro. No other systems can give you a high level of advanced technology and customization. And no other systems can offer well-guided trainings.

What are you waiting for? Get your own My Lead System Pro marketing system now. This is just a sneak peek of what the system can offer you. To learn more about the My Lead System Pro marketing system, please click on their website through the link found in the author box.

"Band Yourself & Your Business With My Lead System Pro"

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My Lead System Pro MLSP Review From a Network Marketer Perspective

"Band Yourself & Your Business With My Lead System Pro"

Are you looking to explore the online network marketing world? Are you looking to build an MLM Wealth Engine of your dreams? MyLeadSystemPro is a must have for anyone looking to brand themselves while building a massive network marketing organization.

I will provide my opinion on the usefulness of MyLeadSystemPro, and show you how to promote your business in order to build a large team all in an automated way.

First off, MyLeadSystemPro allows for online marketers, that are just starting, to be able to compete with more experience online marketers. The reason is that with this system all the technical issues are taken care of and you can focus on your business. With my software background I was pleasantly surprised at the support that was provided in MyLeadSystemPro. Also the "Getting Started" section has a great tutorial on how to setup the system. I even tested this theory by having my wife setup some of the system, and to my utter amazement she was able to get through the setup process on the first try.

Second, and really this is just as important as the first reason, MyLeadSystemPro enables you the leader to easily duplicate techniques and strategies to your team. If your strategies and business is automated using a system like MyLeadSystemPro then you can easily duplicate versus not having a system in place. This is an easy concept to grasp but many of us do not take the necessary steps to put it into action.

In the process of doing my own research I found that MyLeadSystemPro has several advantages over other systems. The most important advantage is that it's fully customizable. As we all know branding yourself is key, and MyLeadSystemPro allows full customization to achieve the level of branding you desire. In addition to being customizable, MyLeadSystemPro allows for unlimited marketing campaigns. Finally there is a vast wealth of training that is provided via webinar to all of it's members for free.

So as I see it MyLeadSystemPro provides online marketers of any skill level a way to automate there business online. I hope that you do a similar evaluation of this system and when the time is right that you join a team that can assist you with getting your system up and running.

Don't Forget to customize your MyLeadSystemPro system if you decide to join. This is a key mistake that most people make when joining. Yes the system can work for you without customization, but by customizing your system you are positioning and branding yourself as a leader. So do yourself a favor and customize your system for each campaign.

I will see you at the top, much success!

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"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty
320-239-4537 "SERIOUSLY, JUST DO IT"

Band Yourself & Your Business With My Lead System Pro-Is MLSP the Real Deal?

It’s Honestly Sad How Most Network Marketers Are Building Their Businesses Today. 99.9% Of Business Owners Are Being Misled...…

“While So Many Reps Have Been Chasing Down Their Family, Friends And Loved Ones... A Small Group Of Innovative Networkers Have Quietly Been Making A Fortune Using The Secret Technology I'm Getting Ready To Share With You...…”

MLSP (MLM Lead System Pro) is a built in internet, network marketing system. It's end goal is to help home business owners, primarily network marketers, generate an endless stream of prospects to talk to about their business. From what I can see, I can tell you that it has a lot of features that will help people expand and grow any home business.

It has built in lead generation pages that you can use instantly to start generating an endless stream of leads. The most vital element that MLSP has, is the marketing training. There are many videos in the system that show you how to market on the internet using many different strategies. In my time in the industry, I have seen too many people start a home business and then discover that they actually have to learn how to market in order to be successful. It is not only about generating targeted leads on the internet that matters, but attracting others to want to work with you.

You can generate hundreds of leads on the internet, but if none of them want to work with you or see what you have to offer, then what is the whole point of all of your marketing? MLSP has a built in system to generate you an infinite amount of leads for your business. It seems like a great system for the average person to start marketing on the internet. I would encourage people to first learn some internet marketing before jumping into a system that has a monthly membership price.

Marketing systems such as MLSP are only tools that are intended to help you market. By becoming a member of the system, doesn't guarantee your success. You have to understand that a marketing system can only do so much for you. You need to learn how to market and understand that YOU are the only person that can grow your business. Start becoming a better marketer and you will become successful regardless of what system you are using to build your business.

To Get The Real Knowledge And Solutions To Building An Home Business, Visit Our Online MLM Training Page,""SERIOUSLY, JUST DO IT"" Where We Will Teach You Strategies That 97% Of Home Business Owners Have No Clue Exist.

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"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

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My Lead System Pro-Personal Branding Is Not An Option - It's Crucial To Success

My Lead System Pro Personal Branding Is Not An Option - It's Crucial To Success

More layoffs. Giving back bonuses. Fewer work days to save the company from firing people. Doing the job of the three people that were let go in your department. Not hiring the five people you were thinking about hiring. Trying to find a job in this climate...

Whether you are an employee in a big, medium or small business, or an entrepreneur, or about to enter the workforce, never has it been more important to understand the power of having, maintaining and developing a strong personal brand. Never before has there been more ways for you to connect and build your personal brand through digital channels.

Never has a simple search on Google been able to tell us more about a person, who they are, what they do, and why they matter.

What does Google say about you?

If brands matter more than ever (and they do, just ask Apple, Starbucks and Twitter), then the ability for individuals to build a personal brand has never been more important. Maybe the idea of "branding yourself" seems ridiculous. It's not. It's a subject that famed management guru and author of the best-selling business book, In Search of Excellence, Tom Peters, first tackled in 1997 for an article in Fast Company magazine titled, The Brand Called You.

"Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You. ... You're every bit as much a brand as Nike, Coke, Pepsi, or the Body Shop... To start thinking like your own favourite brand manager, ask yourself the same question the brand managers at Nike, Coke, Pepsi, or the Body Shop ask themselves: What is it that my product or service does that makes it different? Give yourself the traditional 15-words-or-less contest challenge. Take the time to write down your answer. And then take the time to read it. Several times."

Peters gave us the beginning of an insight: like big corporate brands, all of the people we connect with have some kind of similar emotions and thoughts when they think about us as people. That mental tattoo that our personas and reputations create in their mind's eye is the essence of our personal brand.

But Peters wrote this in a world where individuals were limited by how they could spread their personal brands - the Internet was just taking its commercial shape in 1997. Now, in a world of Blogs, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, our personal brands are resonating 24-hours-a-day, and the content we put in there and link to says more about who we are, as individuals than any one-page resumé ever could.

There's a small caution.

People working on their personal brand sometimes seem a little snake-oil salesy-like. They would state that they were working on their personal brand in a way that made it look like they were trying too hard. They were the same kind of people who manoeuvred through the local chamber of commerce event dumping business cards in any available and open hand No need to be that person.

The amazing thing about developing your personal brand online in social networks and by blogging, is that you can hone in on connecting with those that have shared values and similar interests.

One of the best places to get started is a search engine. Start looking for blogs in your industry, and start following some of the more notable people on Twitter. After you get a feel for the type of content people are publishing, you can dip you toes into the personal branding waters by leaving comments on those blogs or spaces. You can even go neck deep and start your own blog to demonstrate your own, unique, perspective.

Personal branding and the new media space creates a unique and mutually beneficial relationship. Anyone can express who they are to the world. And, if you're not sure what you have to say that is unique and different, just remember the immortal words of Oscar Wilde: "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."

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The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty
Contact: powerman297@hotmail.com
Contact: 320-239-4537 ""SERIOUSLY, JUST DO IT""

Discover Why Network Marketing Education is the Main Ingredient to Your Success

"Discover Why Network Marketing Education is the Main Ingredient to Your Success"

If You Are Researching The My Lead System Pro System I Have One Of The Most Important Messages You Might Ever Hear...

"The My Lead System Pro System Is Literally Completely Useless, As In It Will Not Make You A Stinking DIME, Unless You Know With 100% CERTAINTY How To Do What I'm Getting Ready To Share With You Right Now..."

"What The 1% Of Money Earners In Our Industry Has Figured Out My Friends Is How To Actually MARKET Their Businesses. And It Doesn't Matter What Company Or System You're Using, If You Don't Know How To DO This Yourself You Will Never Make A Lousy Penny..."

If you are sick of being led from one thing to another, and really STRUGGLING to figure out how the Top 1% earns hundreds of thousands, to Millions of dollars per year (and would like to earn that yourself) it is absolutely ESSENTIAL you get your hands on my free report on the other side of this page...

As soon as you put your info in above, I am going to show you EXACTLY how you can develop the SKILLS of the top 1% of marketers in this industry, and therefore make as much money as you want with total ease while most My Lead System Pro reps struggle endlessly just to get by...(Plus I'll show you how to put this knowledge into action and begin making money TODAY.)

Forget Chasing Friends & Family and Your Warm Market List, Prospecting Strangers and Buying Useless Leads, Because The Smart Marketers Who Understand The Power & Leverage of The Internet Are Dominating The Industry... Don't Get Left Behind!

What You Will Learn Inside...

* ONE simple strategy GUARANTEED to put money in your pockets immediately.
* How to sign up more customers and distributors without picking up the phone.
* How you can make money fast even if NOBODY joins your business!
* How to reach MILLIONS of prospects with the push of a button.
* How to generate hundreds of prospects, paying customers and new distributors.
* How to profit from your prospects several times over
* And much, much more!
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The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: powerman297@hotmail.com
Contact: 320-239-4537

Discover A Simple System You Can Start Using Right Away to Generate More Leads

Attn Network Marketing Reps:

Discover A Simple System You Can Start Using Right Away to Generate More Leads, Position Yourself As a Leader, Create Immediate Cashflow AND Build Your Primary Business on Auto-Pilot...
...Without ANY of that "Old-School", Out Dated, Silly Pitch and Chase Stuff Still Being Taught By Uplines Stuck in the 90's...

Forget Chasing Friends & Family and Your Warm Market List, Prospecting Strangers and Buying Useless Leads, Because The Smart Marketers Who Understand The Power & Leverage of The Internet Are Dominating The Industry... Don't Get Left Behind!

What You Will Learn Inside...

* ONE simple strategy GUARANTEED to put money in your pockets immediately.
* How to sign up more customers and distributors without picking up the phone.
* How you can make money fast even if NOBODY joins your business!
* How to reach MILLIONS of prospects with the push of a button.
* How to generate hundreds of prospects, paying customers and new distributors.
* How to profit from your prospects several times over
* And much, much more!

Forget struggling with your home business, and learn how to build your business like the Top Producers!


This FREE Presentation is for serious MLM Business owners ONLY who are 100% dedicated to reaching a $10,000+ Per Month Income with their MLM Business. If that is not you, please leave this page now.

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The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty
Contact: powerman297@hotmail.com
Contact: 320-239-4537 ""SERIOUSLY, JUST DO IT""