Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Free Traffic Generation Tips

Free Traffic Generation Tips

The question most often asked on the Internet is, "How do I get more traffic to my site?"

The following are some free ways of generating traffic to your website. Once you have used these methods and earned some profit, you can consider spending a little money on some low cost methods of traffic generation.

1. Search Engine Submissions
Almost everyone starts right here. They know that search engines bring 84% of the traffic to most web sites, so they know they have to submit to them. To achieve the top rankings in the search engines will take some serious work. You have millions of competitors, but you have an advantage. You are willing to learn and do what it takes to get to the top. To achieve the top traffic building positions, you will need to study everything you can on search engine positioning, link popularity and meta tags. Then, you will have to test. Check your rankings, examine competitors that are beating you, and then edit your pages. If you are willing to keep going through this process and learning each step along the rise of your rankings, you too could soon be generating 100s, even 1000s of hits daily from top search engine positions.

2. Yahoo Classifieds
Classified ads can work if you figure out how to work them for your product or service. There are very few free classified ad sites that actually work. Yahoo is one of the shining lights that stands out above the crowd of mediocre free ad sites. Yahoo has more traffic than any other Internet site and it definitely shows when you place your ads here. On Yahoo, you are allowed to place 10 ads at a time, so do so. A little key to creating effective ads here is to delete your ads every few days and replace them. Then, you will be able to keep your ads towards the top of the list and receive more free readers.

3. Trade Links
If you develop a strong content oriented site you can persuade thousands of other webmasters to link to you or to trade links with you. There are even a few consultants online who have developed linking campaigns and have achieved a million hits a month or more for their customers within 90 days by linking with the right sites. You can do this yourself. The key is to develop content people want to link to and then get out there and make the contacts by visiting people's sites, sending out personalized emails to webmasters you have visited, and networking in discussion groups.

4. Participate in Leveraged Banner Exchanges
Regular banner exchanges don't work that well. Although they can produce a few extra hits a month for your site, they never seem to give you the kind of traffic building leverage you need to grow to hundreds of thousands of hits a month. A new wave of banner exchanges is growing though at unprecedented rates. What they do that separates them apart is that they will give you a 5% to 20% credit of banner impressions of anyone's site that you refer. If you refer a site which gets a million hits a month, you would get 200,000 free impressions a month extra.

5. Start Your Own Mailing List
If you want to make money online, start your own mailing list. It is the best way to keep contact with your prospects and your customers. It is also the best way to build the credibility you need to make sales to your targeted market. A little less talked about advantage to having your own mailing list is that you can use it to trade ads with other e-zines out there. If you trade ads with 10 other ezines out there, you could easily be saving yourself $100 - $500 in advertising expense every week!

6. Free Stuff
The top way to get traffic is free stuff. If you want to get real traffic to your site, provide the kind of free content and services that your market is hunting desperately for. Provide free articles to other web sites. Provide free downloads. Give away free programs. Provide hundreds of links to needed tools. Provide links to downloadable software. Give your visitors what they want and they will keep coming back and referring their friends.

Many different types of Internet advertising work, but only if you are willing to keep on going even if you fail a dozen times trying. You have to learn what works for your site and what doesn't work.

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              320-239-4537      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

6 Nonverbal Communication Skills in Business Meetings that Gain You Respect

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When you're in a business meeting, it is often more than your simple words that everyone else is paying attention to. Your demeanor, your facial expressions, your posture are but three of many non-verbal cues that coworkers, clients and superiors will use to size you up. The elements of powerful body language are:

POSTURE - Slump down into your chair? Lean too far back? Slouch over the conference table? All of these nonverbal communication cues reveal to others in the room that you are not alert, not engaged in the proceedings and that you have little respect for anyone else's time. The key is the same as your mother taught you, sit straight with your back and shoulders square, don't lean back (it makes you look cavalier and disengaged) or slouch to either side, and don't hunch over the table. Lean slightly forward with your back straight to appear attentive.

EYE CONTACT - Don't bury yourself in your notes, look the presenter in the eye both during their presentation and during any questions or comments you make about the material. Making effective eye contact is the easiest, most surefire way to appear engaged and to focus your attention on the meeting.

DRESS - Come to all meetings dressed appropriately, with clean, pressed clothing, and neatly combed hair. You would be amazed at how easily this conveys to others that you mean business, and it also helps you feel prepared and self-assure.

ORGANIZATION - Show up to any and all business meetings prepared not only to listen, but to engage. Bring a notebook and all pertinent materials. Take notes where appropriate but don't lose yourself them.

THE W's OF SEAT SELECTION - Where you sit in the meeting room says a lot about you. At a standard conference table, unless you are a presenter or a leader of the proceedings, do not sit at one of the ends. Be conscious of who you sit next to. Do not select a screw off as a neighbor, for you will be associated with them by proximity. Also, try not to sit next to your friends. The temptation to talk with them and over the presenter will be avoided if you choose a seat away from them.

NO FIDGETING - Keep your hands on the table, do not click your pen, or tap it against the rim of the table, do not doodle in your notes, and keep your attention on the topic at hand.

Remember, business meetings are great opportunity to present yourself as a thoughtful, engaged and prepared employee. Better your body language to send the right message without saying a word.
Please Remember This My Friends: Feel it, Believe it, Live it. The Magic Words, "Just Do It"

How Your Dreams Can Help You Heal from Grief
Figuring Out What You Really Want
In Your Dreams

The Best

"Starbuck Man"


Contact: powerman297@hotmail.comContact: 320-239-4537

7 Steps to Forgiveness

Did you know that forgiveness is good for you?

The process of forgiveness has been shown to have both psychological and physical benefits to the person who is doing the forgiving. Shocking, isn't it? You may have heard the old axiom, "Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."

Now, thanks to recent research conducted by venerable psychologists, there is clinical proof that non-forgiveness is bad for you. Dr. Fred Luskin, in his book called Forgive for Good: A Proven Prescription for Health and Happiness notes that the results of his and other scientific studies show that "People who are taught to forgive become less angry, more hopeful, less depressed, less anxious, less stressed, more confident, and they learn to like themselves more." (p. 78)

Would you like to have less anger, depression and stress in your life? Would you like to be more confident and like yourself more? Forgiveness is an answer.

Although I admire many of Dr. Luskin's techniques for teaching forgiveness, I'd like to offer my own "Seven Steps to Forgiveness" in a nutshell in this article.

Some preliminary words: Forgiveness is a process, not an event.

If something or someone has deeply hurt you, you may find it difficult to forgive quickly - although it is possible, and to be able to forgive immediately is my personal goal. Believe me, I am not there yet. You may not even be aware of people or situations that you need to forgive, but their memories may be festering in your cellular tissue, unconsciously depleting your energy and vitality. As you become aware of these issues, practice these steps to lighten your energetic load, clear your heart and live more peacefully, knowing that forgiveness will happen on your own individual time table.

Also, this technique is what works for me today. I reserve the right to amend and change this approach as I learn more! As mentioned before, I intend to get to a point of grace in which I can forgive people and events as they happen. But I know I am not there yet.

Step One: Identify exactly how you feel. Write extensively and expressively about the situation/person/event, sharing your deepest thoughts, emotions and needs. Many spiritual teachers understand the power of writing - it wrests your feelings from the more primitive emotional brain and allows the analytical brain a chance to examine the subject. Both my husband and I keep a journal because it helps rid the psyche of negative emotions. Write until you feel you can write no more.

Step Two: Talk to a trusted friend, partner or adviser about this subject. This is an important step to help you fully identify and acknowledge the emotions, but also to get another person's perspective on the situation.

Step Three: Consider and write about the situation from the other person's point of view. What might they have felt? What was going on in their life behind the scenes, as it were? What were their needs? What did you do to contribute to the situation? In my experience, this is a difficult but transformational step.

Step Four: Consider and write about the situation in the third person, as if you are a newspaper journalist writing about it. Include only the discernible facts about the event, only what a neutral third party would have observed if they had been there. This step helps to build perspective.

Step Five: Construct a forgiveness letter to the person who aggrieved you, acknowledging the emotions that person might have felt, their needs and what elements of their background might explain their actions. You do not need to send this letter or talk to the person in order to benefit from this step.

Additionally in this step, consider how you can move from being a victim in this situation to the hero. Forgiving is certainly heroic. In what other ways can you write yourself as the hero/heroine?

Step Six: Decide what actions you will take, whether it is legal action or a conversation with the other person. Remember, forgiveness is not the same as condoning, and there are times in which legal action is needed.

However, legal action taken in the spirit of forgiveness will be much less stressful for you than otherwise. Your energy will be clear.

Step Seven: Your brain has been trained to tell your grievance story about this situation every time you think about it or the other person. You need to re-train your brain to rest in forgiveness, you need to stop your negative, blaming or self-blaming thoughts in their tracks. Catch yourself immediately upon thinking of the grievance, take a deep breath and bless the other person and yourself. In this manner you will re-pave the neural pathways in your brain so your habitual thoughts won't do the blame game like a CD on repeat.

Please Remember This My Friends: Feel it, Believe it, Live it. The Magic Words, "Just Do It"

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Too Little Too Late?

Why we often struggle with forgiveness

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A Better Way

The 3 Steps To Having The Power of Completion

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537