Chewable supplements: Choose To Chew
Everyone, or almost everyone, has taken supplements, or vitamins in some form at one time or another. Its become as commonplace as morning juice and coffee.
Dr. Pepper's slogan said to drink their product at 10, 2, and 4 o'clock. Supplement takers vary their intake of their chosen elixir a little more than Dr. Pepper, according to mealtime, exercise habits, etc. The fact is most of us take supplements at some time or another in some form or another.
This chews-4-Health review will go into the product itself as well as why the formulators chose to develop chews-4-Health and the Chew Tabs in their chewable form.
Vitamins and supplements, nutrients and minerals give us the daily intake we need to feel healthy when we don't get the required dosage in the food we eat, which is practically all the time.
But exactly how much benefit are we actually deriving from the handful of pills we swallow, or liquid potions we gulp down every day? In order for our abused bodies to derive the intended benefits the manufactures intended from our pills and potions, they must first be broken down and absorbed properly.
Contents at a Glance
1. Fully Benefit From Nutritional Supplements
2. chews-4-Health ChewTabs
3. Supplements In A Powder Form?
4. Liquid Supplements?
5. Chew Your Way To Optimum Health
6. chews-4-Health
Contents at a Glance
1. Fully Benefit From Nutritional Supplements
2. chews-4-Health ChewTabs
3. Supplements In A Powder Form?
4. Liquid Supplements?
5. Chew Your Way To Optimum Health
6. chews-4-Health
7. Chew Your Food... Absorb Your Nutrients
8. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements
9. chews-4-Health Press Releases
Fully Benefit From Nutritional Supplements
We do this by the process of an age old custom called chewing. Chewing our supplements BEFORE we swallow them. So how and why are chewable supplements better for you than pills, powders, or liquids?
First we must examine what happens when we take our supplements in the aforementioned archaic forms.
When you swallow vitamins and minerals in pill form, you are skipping a vital part of the digestive process, and many of the nutrients will never completely absorb in your body. In fact, somevitamins with fillers, binders, and hard chemical coatings pass through your intestinal track as "bedpan bullets", meaning they come out in about the same form they went in as.
So, not much nutritious benefit there, just money and pills down the drain, so to speak.
chews-4-Health ChewTabs
Your Phytochemical Source From Land And Sea!
chews-4-Health contains 16 ingredients from land and sea, uniting the antioxidant powers of exotic, life enhancing super fruits with mineral rich Sea Vegetables andvitamins . Chews-4-Health is more convenient, affordable and is absorbed more quickly than anything we know of in the natural wellness industry. With so many pills and liquid products on the market, isn't it time for you to CHEWS?
Goji, Mangosteen, Acai, and Noni Juices. The benefits of these juices have been known to promote anti-aging, longevity, improved mental focus, helps in maintaining intestinal health and immune system enhancing capabilities.
Pomegranate, Blueberry, Cranberry, and Raspberry concentrates. However, most people fail to eat the government's recommended 5 servings of fruit per day. Do you eat that much fruit? Chews-4-Health can help fill that void for those who don't.
Kelp, Nori, Dulse and and Bladder Wrack
Strengthens, nourishes, revitalizes the body and enhances digestion. Helps with thyroid and bone support as well
B12, Folic Acid, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Resveratrol
This helps protect your skin and body from the ravaging effects of premature aging
Chews-4-Health Trimulean "Seriously" " No guts No glory"
Supplements In A Powder Form?
How about the powder forms of supplements? They look good, right, certainly have to be more digestible and absorbable than pills. Yes, they are, but at what price? Most powder forms of supplements are just not very convenient. You're going to have to work a little harder for that extra absorption over pills.
Most powders are vacuum packed and heat processed. They require a glass of water and a spoon to mix it all up. They can be messy, especially if you're trying to take your supplements in the car on the way to work. And you're usually eating a fast-food breakfast sandwich or pastry or the way to work, right? So you won't be late for work, you normally take your supplements with your hearty breakfast in your car. You do this while talking on your cell, putting on make-up, shaving, etc. Great, you're a multi-tasker. Don't think powder supplements will fit into your dangerous lifestyle. Chewables are definitely for you. You'll get better absorption from your supplements and fewer traffic tickets for reckless driving, all at the same time.
Liquid Supplements?
There's still the liquid form of supplements, right? No, not really. Nutrition in liquid form is heavy and costly to ship. So unless you're making your own liquid supplements in the cellar, you will be paying too much. Most liquid forms on nutrition contain water, water you are paying for. Some up to 75% water. Most are also pasteurized, a process required to kill bacteria and harmful organisms. The heat required is excessive and can alter and deactivate some of the naturally occurring good nutrients.
Liquid forms of supplements must also be refrigerated after opening. They contain chemical preservatives like sodium benzoate. And I thought we were trying to get healthy here. And of course liquid forms are difficult to travel with, you can't put a bottle in your purse or pocket. We might want to nix liquid forms of nutrition also, unless you just like paying more for shipping and water, or plan on having your purse or pockets refrigerated.
Chew Your Way To Optimum Health
The logical natural alternative to these less than desirable forms of supplement intake is chewables. Yes, it's back to nature. With chewables, digestion begins in the mouth, before swallowing, activating digestive processes for more absorption.
When you think about it, every type of food you eat, you chew before swallowing. Why not your supplements? The most important part of digestion takes place in the mouth. Your teeth break apart food into small particles and your saliva, which contains three digestive enzymes, breaks down the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, taking place before you swallow.
Chews-4-Health Chewtabs are your answer to taking supplements in a form that allows you to get the intended benefits you seek. They are cost effective, convenient, and affordable, making them without a doubt, the doable chewable.
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