Sunday, August 15, 2010

Top Ten Personal Branding Tools

1. Google Alerts

Google alerts are “email (or feed) updates of the latest relevant Google results based on your choice of query”.  Use these alerts in 2 ways:

* Self-monitoring: Set up an alert for your name and any variations of it. Let Google crawl the web each day and monitor any chatter about you.
* Research: Is your personal brand built around expertise in a certain area? Set up alerts for relevant keywords and receive all the current news, blog posts, videos, and discussions on the topic – delivered straight to your digital doorstep.

2. RSS Feed

RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication”.  Simply put, it is a way to subscribe to a website’s feed.  Do you have a few favorite blogs that fuel your personal branding fire or consistently deliver excellent, relevant content? Subscribe to the feed and never miss another post.

3. Linkedin

Linkedin is the world’s largest business-focused social networking site, and an extremely valuable tool for job hunters and those looking to expand their current network.  But, just signing up is not enough.  Fill out your profile to the max, grab your custom URL, and network, network, network. (Great tutorial here)

And, to really utilize Linkedin to the fullest, join several Groups relevant to your field.  Linkedin is the most clutter-free social network you will find – Groups in particular are full of information and people willing to engage in great discussion.

4. Twitter

Twitter can initially be quite confusing.  But hang in there, it is one of the best personal branding tools available today.  Why?  Because it is really 3  things in one package – a research tool, a sharing tool, and a networking tool.  This slideshow tells the full Twitter story.

Don’t dive into Twitter headfirst.  Dip a toe in, start by listening, and slowly immerse yourself as you get the hang of it.

Twitter Generic

5. Tweetdeck

Twitter is a great platform – but really, it is the 3rd party apps that turn it into something special.  I recommend Tweetdeck, a desktop application that allows you to sort by favorites and view mentions and direct messages in their own columns.  Tweetdeck automatically shortens links, and you can follow/unfollow users from within the application.

Below, I’ve set up searches for keywords.  The # sign before the keyword is an identifier (known on Twitter as a #hashtag) that signifies the tweet is specifically about that particular term.  You can set up similar searches for keywords relevant to your field, and receive up-to-the-second news updates

6. Facebook

Before you roll your eyes, consider these 2  facts:

  • Facebook has 300 million+ active users.
  • 40% of these users are 35 years or older.

Facebook isn’t just for kids anymore.  Business professionals and companies are both recognizing that the way to reach your audience today is to go TO them.  If you want to form connections and build your own brand, go to where the people are.  Right now, that place is Facebook.

facebook only logoFacebook screenshot

While you are there, take the opportunity to learn – become a member of relevant groups or pages that will deliver beneficial content.  (Pages and groups explained here)

7. Google Profiles

Google Profiles is a tool so simplistic in nature that it is often overlooked.  Would you like to make it to the front page of Google search results in a matter of minutes?  Of course you would!  Google profiles generally appear towards the bottom of the first page of results, like this:

ChrisBrogan Google Search Result

By now you will have likely filled out a profile on Linkedin or Facebook.  Simply transfer over the same information to your Google profile, and link back to all other places you reside on the web.  See below for an excellent example of a simple yet informative Google Profile by blogging and marketing expert, Chris Brogan.

ChrisBrogan Google Profile


If you sign up for all the social networking sites listed above, you might become overwhelmed updating each site one at a time.  Fear no more.  With, you can update to almost all social networks you can think of, simultaneously.  Or, you can pick and choose groups.  Want to update your Facebook and Twitter status, but not Linkedin?  Only a click away. screenshot is the king of link shorteners, converting long URLs into a manageable, social-media friendly length.  But, is way more than just a one-trick pony.  The real magic comes after you create and share the shortened link.

With analytic tools, you can track how many clicks your shortened URL receives.  This knowledge turns your personal branding efforts into a more measurable activity.  Instantly, you can see who values your suggested content enough to click through to the page.  And, (peeking ahead to tool #10) this is even more important if the link is to your own content. preview image

10. WordPress

Last, but definitely not least, is WordPress.  WordPress is one of several highly popular blog publishing platforms, and the option I recommend.  If you only choose only one of these 10 tools, make it this one.  An individually published blog is mandatory when building a strong personal brand.

Your goal is to establish yourself as a thought leader, as an expert in your field.  You can’t do that from Twitter in 140 characters, or in a Facebook status update.  The tools leading up to this one have been building blocks – use them all, and let your blog be the ultimate showcase for your personal brand. (But, starting a blog is not easy.  Read these 40 tips for direction)


The Best Starbuck Man.

Randy Flaherty

*10 Laws of Facebook

*10 Laws of Facebook

1. Location - Facebook enables advertisers to target by country, state/province, city, and metropolitan areas. All
advertisements are required to have a location selected. This should be pretty straight-forward as to which location
you’d like to select.

2. Age - Age is a standard demographic factor. Most marketers that have a well defined target-market will be able to
select their age.

3. Birthday - This is one of Facebook’s latest advertising targeting filters. It should be pretty obvious what types of ads
should be presented to people who’s birthday it is. Try wishing the user a happy birthday and offer them a gift for
higher conversion rates.

4. Sex - Gender is another typical targeting filter for Facebook.

5. Keywords - Keywords are based on a user’s profile information including Activities, Favorite Books, TV Shows,
Movies, and more. I believe job titles are included in this field as well. Typically I spend the most time trying to
brainstorm effective keywords. What types of products do your customers like? What’s their job position within an
organization? Spend time on this field and you’ll be rewarded.

6. Education - While you can target based on their level of education, this is most effective for targeting ads based on the
schools that people went to. Want to announce a reunion for the University of Illinois class of 1996? This is a great
way to promote it.

7. Workplaces - This is another great targeting filter. Often times you will know the companies that your target market
works at. If you are looking to get new clients or looking to spread awareness within specific organizations, this filter
can be priceless.

8. Relationship - Want to target people that are about to get married? This is a great tool for that. If you are a bar or
club, you most likely want to go after those people that are single. While this filter can be useful, you also need to
keep in mind that selecting any of these settings will remove all users that haven’t selected a relationship status in their

9. Interested In - This factor is useful if a user’s sexual preferences are relevant to whatever you are advertising. I tend to
skip this field for most of my ads.
10.Languages - If your ad is in English but the user speaks Chinese, it’s probably not a good idea to be displaying ads to

11.Connections - The connections field were recently launched by Facebook and they enable you to include and exclude
users based on pages, events, and applications that the users have joined and you happen to be the administrator of.
If you’ve create a Page and don’t want the ads to display to people who have already joined, this is a great way to
avoid duplicate clicks.

If you aren’t taking advantage of the numerous targeting factors then you aren’t using Facebook advertising effectively. In
order to have an increased conversion rate on your advertisements, increase the targeting in order to make the
advertisement more relevant for the users. Relevance will get people to respond to your ad.

Its Free To Down Load.

How to Use Facebook for Business - How to Use for Business (PDF File)

** Please Remember This My Friends: Feel it, Believe it, Live it. The Magic Words, "Just Do It" **

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537

Top 10 Personal Branding Articles - Its All About Branding Yourself.

"Its All About Branding Yourself."

As the end is nigh for 2009, the time has cometh to compile what I think were the best Personal Branding articles of the year. I have included brief excerpts from the articles and the titles are clickable hyperlinks. Enjoy!


1. Personal Branding 101: How to Discover and Create Your Brand

The personal branding guru himself Dan Schwabel discusses the importance of branding in this web 2.0 world, as well as how to discover and create your brand.


2. Personal Branding 102: How to Communicate & Maintain Your Brand

Dan continues his tour de force and informs us how to communicate our personal brand, using social media tools and proven marketing tactics, and then how to sustain our future growth by performing brand maintenance.


3. Tiger Woods: Seven Lessons on Tarnishing a Platinum Personal Brand

The world’s first billion dollar athlete who until November 25th had a seemingly impeccable reputation that most people and brands admired and envied. To the point article by Hajj E. Flemings.


4. Top Ten Personal Branding Tools

Building a strong personal brand is a tough task that takes time and energy. Luckily, there are tools you can use to make the personal branding process dramatically easier. Ryan Rancatore has compiled this list and I have used it as a checklist myself.


5. Personal Branding Tips from the Experts

Chris Perry has asked fellow job seekers and career-search experts from across the web for what they consider to be some top tips for standing out in today’s job market.


6. Eight Hot Tips to Build Personal Branding Into Your Executive Resume 2.0

A post by resume wizard Meg Guiseppi that incorporates your personal branding into your killer resume. 


7. How Michael Jackson Became a Brand Icon

Michael Jackson was so unique that he cannot realistically serve as anyone's personal brand ideal. Yet Jackson was unquestionably a brand icon and there are lessons to be learned. By John Quelch.


8. Five Personal Branding Errors You Can Fix in 5 Minutes

Here are 5 common personal branding errors, and how you can fix each one in under 5 minutes. Bit of a must read to ensure you haven’t made these errors yourself! An article that keeps it simple, by Ryan Rancatore.


9. The Secret of Personal Branding

As it’s my list, I will cheekily include a post of my own, it covers the basics, is tailored toward careers and you gotta love the picture.


10. Personal Branding Predictions: Top 10 for 2010

Every year since 2001, William Arruda has made predictions about how the world of personal branding will evolve in the coming year. Here are his top 10 for 2010.


So there you have it, the best of the year that was 2009. I encourage you to learn from these experts and make sure you work on your personal brand over the holidays and hit the ground running in the new year.


And now tell me what fabulous articles are missing?

Just wanted to share this article with you.

** Please Remember This My Friends: Feel it, Believe it, Live it. The Magic Words, "Just Do It" **

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537

The Secret of Personal Branding

I wanted to share this article
with you, The Starbuck Man. :-)

by Jorgen Sundberg - Posted on 25 November 2009

You might have heard about personal branding, it is a much hyped concept that is all over the web at the moment. How does it affect us normal folks and what can we do to make the most of personal branding? This article will briefly explain what it is, what you should be doing and what you can expect from it.

What is personal branding?

Personal branding is how you project yourself to the world, how you create and maintain your image. Your brand is just as much about your profession and career as your background, what type of person you are, your interests and any interesting facts.

Personal branding is essentially very similar to company branding, for example the golden arches of McDonald's or the jester used by The Motley Fool have become instantly recognizable as part of those companies. This is what you want for yourself, you want to stand out from the crowd and be memorable.

Personal branding is where you and your career are bundled together into one. It’s the way you market and promote the image of yourself. What you do and what you are all about and above all what you can do for others. Compare your personal brand to a rock star’s image, something that needs to be maintained.

All interaction you have with other people make up your personal branding. Having a meeting, making a phone call, sending an email are all activities that demonstrate your brand. Offline and online, you only get a few seconds for a first impression so you will want to get it right.

Do I need a personal brand?

You already have one. What you need is to maintain it and make sure it projects what you want it to by staying consistent continuously improve it. You will want to take control of your brand because you want to be noticed and stand out from the crowd. It will help you to be seen by current and prospective clients, business partners, employers and so forth. You want people to remember who you are and what you do.

Your online brand

First impressions count, also online. It's free and very simple to sign up for online networking sites and they are great tools for promoting your brand. Any typical professional will have a profile with Linkedin or Facebook, some will have lots more than this. As long as you use and maintain your profile in the right manner, you are on to a winner.

Try gogling your name and see what happens. Now consider that others (prospective customers for instance) do the same. Are you happy with what they see? If you were a client, you would probably want to see a supplier with a professional profile on Linkedin and possibly other platforms.

We already know that headhunters and HR people are all over LinkedIn like a cheap suit. Guess what, they also cross reference you on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and other sites to see that you are not simply putting on a corporate act. Make sure the brand you project is consistent and well positioned, it will help you to get that raise, promotion or even a new and better job. Just like having 20 recommendations on LinkedIn weighs in your favor, one ‘wrong’ photo can be a complete deal breaker and leave you regretting ever signing up for that service.

My experience

I have long been prolific on LinkedIn and used it as a tool for expanding my network and to do research on people and companies. I have a large and growing network which has supported me when building this site and even coming up with ideas for posts. I set up The Undercover Recruiter to promote myself as well as the blog. Setting up a blog is optional and perhaps not the first step you want to take, although if you have the time it is definitely worth looking into. I promote this blog across a few platforms (mainly LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter) and try to have exactly the same brand on all of them.

Call to action

Make sure you are consistent with everything you communicate to the world. This includes how you speak, your emails, online presence, your resume and even how you dress. Will your prospect customer be surprised or even disappointed when they meet you for the first time? You have to make sure you are one and the same across all channels and you will then come across as genuine and trustworthy. Share information about yourself, tell stories and inspire others. Add some personality to your brand, we all know it’s easier to sell on emotions than facts. When you think you are finished, anyone should be able to locate you online and find out what you do and what makes you special. If this isn’t the case, you need to put some more work in.

Bottom line

You need to be aware of your personal brand and you should ensure that you are projecting the right image of yourself. By being consistent and congruent, online and offline, you will build up your image and people will notice and trust you. As long as this is a positive message, you will improve your chances of having a great career/building your business/making friends/whatever your goal is.

** Please Remember This My Friends: Feel it, Believe it, Live it. The Magic Words, "Just Do It" **

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537

" Affirmations Work and Here's Why" :-)

" Affirmations Work and Here's Why" :-)

I just wanted to this with you
By Gwen Phillips
Thank you, Starbuck Man. ;-)

Affirmations work because:
• Our present reality is a direct result of our thinking
• Affirmations change our thinking.
• Changing our thinking, changes our reality
There are many ways you can practice affirmations. You can write them down; you can post sticky notes around your home, on your desk or in your car. You can use affirmations with the "mirror technique". You can use affirmations during meditation and visualization.
Here are some basics you need to know to begin using affirmations:
Use the Present Tense
Affirmations should be stated in the present tense. For example; "I am whole and healthy now." Try not to affirm something in the future tense, as in “I am going to be healthy”. Our subconscious minds will always be waiting for something to happen.
Use Positive Statements
Create affirmations in the most positive terms. Avoid negative statements. State what you do want rather than what you don’t. Don’t say something like “I don’t want to be sick anymore.” Instead state something positive such as “I am healthy and happy.”
Use Repetition
The importance of repetition is key. Positive statements need to become imbedded into our subconscious mind. Many times we have been thinking negatively for so long we don’t even notice. First, begin to notice. Then when you hear yourself saying something negative, stop right there and replace the thought with one of your affirmations. We need to repeat these affirmations until they become the first thought. Later on we will talk about various ways to practice affirmations which will help you do just that.
Use Strong Positive Emotions
Affirmations coupled with emotions are particularly powerful. Try to use affirmations that resonate with you. Focus on what you are saying and what the words mean. Don’t just say them in a rote fashion as though repeating your grocery list for instance.
Use Persistence
Not being persistent is one of the reasons that many people say affirmations don’t work. It takes practice and persistence. Regularly practicing will work, but only using affirmations for a short while or just here and there will not produce the results you are looking for in your life. Make it a part of your daily routine. It will become easier the more you practice and when you start to see the results then you won’t want to quit. As they say “don’t stop before the miracle happens.”
Use Belief
However, you don’t necessarily have to believe your affirmations initially. Your belief will grow. It may help to realize that whatever positive affirmation you are using is in actuality true. We already have within us the ability to have the results we desire. The truth is already alive in potentiality just waiting for our permission to manifest.
Here are a few sample affirmations to get you started.
I am free to be myself.
I am free to be at one with the Universe.
I am free of resentment and forgive myself and others.
I am worthy of love.
The more I love, the more that love is returned to me.
Love is eternal and ever-lasting.
I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy.
I am at peace with the Universe.
I love and accept myself.
I am unique and loving, loved, and free.
I am safe and always feel protected.
I am surrounded with loving, caring people in my life as I see them through the eyes of love.
I am loving and accepting of others and this creates lasting friendships for me.
I am trusting of my inner self to lead me in the right path.
I do all I can every day to make a loving environment for all those around me, including myself.
I am always connected with the Divine Love in the Universe.
I am clear and focused through my inner vision.

Allow your life to be blessed. Start creating and using affirmations.
For more ideas and complete instructions on creating and using affirmations, sign up for my free e-course. It’s fun and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Find a surprise at the end of each lesson.

** Please Remember This My Friends: Feel it, Believe it, Live it. The Magic Words, "Just Do It" **

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537

* 12 Kickass Ways to Love your Job and Life * :-)

Today, I want to give you and share you another number of challenges in your workplace such as:

Just how happy are you at your workplace?

No matter how well you do your job, you may not always be appreciated or rewarded for the work you do.

You could also face a number of challenges in your workplace such as:

• Little fulfilment
• Long hours and tight deadlines
• Conflicting demands on your time and loyalty
• Little balance between personal life and work commitments
• Strained relationships with the important people in your life
• Lack of any say at work
• Internal politics and a rigid company structure
• Bullying within the workplace
• Few promotional opportunities

So just how do you cope?

At the end of the day, you want to be involved in fulfilling, rewarding and enjoyable, get recognition and promotion for your efforts, and be appreciated for the work you do.

But at the same time, want a balanced life with time for the things you really want to do with a full and interesting social life. Of course you want to have clarity about your career, job duties and you want to continue to be healthy, fit and stress free.

It seems a lot to ask for - and the key for resolving these seemingly conflicting challenges is to get clear about just how much you love the work you do?

Is what you do for work make you jump out of bed every morning?

Or would you rather be doing something else?

No matter how good things are in other parts of your life such as family, social life and relationships, work is a major part of your life, and not to be neglected.

Since for now you have chosen to be in the job you are in, it is up to you for the time being to make the most of what you do. Of course in the long term, you can either change your job or even embark on a new career. But for now, you can get to love more of what you do right now.

Assuming that in the short term you are not able to change jobs, there are a number of things you can do to begin enjoying more of what you currently do.

Ask yourself - is it the job or is it you?

And what can you do to make your current work more enjoyable?

Stop acting the victim. YOU are responsible for your life and if you can’t immediately change the job you are in, then it is up to you to make the most of it.

Here are 12 tips to enjoy more your current job.

1. Get motivated to face the day:-)

On the way to your workplace, think of how the work you have allows you to have your life outside of it, such as a great social life. A positive attitude will make the day more pleasant and productive.

2. Keep your work in perspective :-)

You can only do the best you can in each situation. Look beyond yourself and your work, and consider the bigger picture. Do some voluntary work to gain a broader outlook. Find a way to contribute to society in general.

3. You are more than your work :-)

Do not have your identity too strongly tied to the job you do. Give up thinking that your work life “should” be a certain way. Such expectations of what you were supposed to be, as set by your parents and teachers, stop you from enjoying what you currently do.

4. Plan your time and create a to-do list.. :-)

In this list, include long term projects as well as the more imminent things that need doing.

Prioritise your to-do list - do the most important things first. When performing any task, ask yourself - is this the best use of my time? Schedule in enough time for your studies etc.

5. Concentrate on the task at hand :-)

Do not let yourself be distracted by worrying about all the other things to be done or losing energy over the undesirable situation you find yourself in. Stay in the moment.

Be ruthless and take care of a task before it gets on a possible procrastination list. For example, sort your morning post immediately in one go – open it, file it, act on it or bin it there and then.

6. Be clear about what's expected of you :-)

Clarify immediately, any time you are not sure or where you are faced with conflicting demands. The more clear and upfront you are with your manager and the other people you work with, the better it will be for you in the long term.

7. Delegate wherever appropriate :-)

Decide if there is anything that can be delegated, or that more fairly belongs to someone else's work load. Always remember the “3D” rule – do it, dump it or delegate it - never handle a piece of paper twice.

8. Have regular breaks :-O

Get away from your normal workplace even if only for five minutes. Try taking a break from the laptop, emails and do leave the mobile behind. Make sure that you do have that lunch break – it is not just for food but also for fresh air and a mental break.

Eat a healthy lunch and if you must snack, make sure it is healthy too – an apple rather than a bag of crisps. Look for ways of energising yourself, other than from adrenaline and caffeine.

9. Learn to relax :-O

No matter how challenging the work gets or how demanding your bosses become, it, at the end of the day it is only a job and you are much more than that. In years to come, you will look back and wonder what the fuss was.

10. Make your workplace more pleasant :-)

Contribute towards creating a pleasant work environment. Do not gossip in the office as it just creates negativity all around. Do not listen to any gossip either. Minimise your time with people that you do not resonate with or like.

Learn to have more fun at work. Laugh more and chill out. Perform with a more fun orientated approach.

11. Review your day before you leave for home :-)

Look at what worked well, and what could be improved the next day. If you feel satisfied with the day’s work, then why not reward yourself later that day. You deserve it.

12. Switch off once you leave work ;-)

You are already at work a third of your time, so do not continue to keep it buzzing in your head during your supposed free time. Mentally say good bye to your work space the moment you leave for home.

See your work as a game. Life is meant to be fun and if you are going to spend a third of it at work, you might as well enjoy the game.

Enjoy your work - and if it comes down to it, you can always find something better in the medium to long term.

** Please Remember This My Friends: Feel it, Believe it, Live it. The Magic Words, "Just Do It" **

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              320-239-4537      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              320-239-4537      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              320-239-4537      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              320-239-4537      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

"The 10 Best Personal Branding Tips & Articles" :-)

Personal branding is very different than product branding, except that the entity being branded is you. Just like Nike uses its brand to attach a certain personality and uniqueness to the shoes it sells, your personal brand is made up of the qualities and unique traits you relay about yourself. Your personal brand represents the way you want other people to think about you.

Personal branding hinges on perception and the stories you tell about yourself: the things you emphasize and the things you don"t. Does personal branding involve lying? It shouldn't. More than that, it should not have to. You don't need to be a rock star to build an extraordinary personal brand. :-)

Today, I want to give you another way to brand yourself in today’s internet.

If you know something (Topic) better than the average person than you will need to look for a forum that related to the topic.

After you sign-up for this forum you need to start communicating with other people and showing them that you have a lot of knowledge and you can help them by answer questions that people in the forum asking.

If you will join couple of forums in your topic and you will be active there, eventually people will look at you as a pro in this field and you will become a guide or guru for them. :-)

“Here are some ideas of quick personal brand-building steps you can take right now.”
** The 10 Best Personal Branding Articles.**

by Starbuck man on Aug 15, 2010

I found this article and wanted to share…

This is a great source of information about “Branding Yourself”.

Enjoy ! :-)
12 Kickass Ways to Love your Job and Life, by Arvind Devalia at The Undercover Recruiter.

“See your work as a game. Life is meant to be fun and if you are going to spend a third of it at work, you might as well enjoy the game.”
We Can Do It, by Seth Godin.

“Successful people rarely confuse a can-do attitude with a smart plan. But they realize that one without the other is unlikely to get you very far.”
30 Valuable Lessons Learned Using Social Media for Small Business, by Mark Hayward at Problogger.

“After almost three years of working hard, learning continuously, making lots of mistakes, and monitoring successes, below are thirty valuable social media marketing lessons that I have learned through my experience.”
How to Give Yourself a First-Class Online Business Education, by Sonia Simone at Copyblogger.

“Today I’m going to talk about what I’ve learned, so if you’re a little earlier on the path you can avoid some blind alleys.”
New Twitter Tools for Job Seekers by Jessica Miller-Merrell of Brand-Yourself.

“These tips will help you turn Twitter into the ultimate networking tool…”
Stop Talking About Yourself, by Chris Brogan.

“Check your last 10 blog posts, your last 10 tweets. Are they all about you. Are they all about your products, your services, whatever it is you’re pushing? How many are about you versus those that are about others…?)
Four Reasons Why Focusing on Goals Leads to Failure, by Melissa Cooley.

“There is such a huge focus on the goal of getting a job that the process of attaining that goal is all but forgotten.”
How Guest Posting Builds Your Brand, by Ann Smarty at Personal Branding Blog.

“…per my experiencethere is nothing as effective for self-branding as guest posting.”
25 Easy Ways to Grow Your Personal Brand in 5 Minutes, by Jacob Share at Personal Branding Blog.
** Please Remember This My Friends: Feel it, Believe it, Live it. The Magic Words, "Just Do It" **

The Best :-)

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537

"Brand yourself first & How to Draw Attention to yourself"

Brand yourself first.

Whatever program or company you are promoting; NEVER spend money or time promoting their site. Regardless of how good the lead capture pages, splash pages or site looks. Ignore all the hype thrown out, do not promote that site.

The only thing you should ever promote is yourself or a site that you own.

This does not mean make a unique splash page to promote the company you are in. I am talking about making your own site, that builds your list first, so you can form a relationship with the lead, so when you make offers to them they will listen to you and act on the offer.

This is not an easy task; there are many things you need to know in order to have a site that works and a list that is worth having.

So where do you start?

The most important thing is to decide how you want to present yourself or your site to the world.

Or, in other words, how will you brand yourself?

What position do you take?

What do you want people to think when they see your name or site?

This is called branding.

Done well, this will assist your empire building no end.

So think about what you stand for and how you want to be seen by your team and buyers.

Then write it down.

Once you write it down, think about words that describe your point, or think about the name and decide now what you want people to think when they see your name.

After you have decided what you stand for and what you promote, you become well branded, and in time people will see your name and will know what is involved the second they see the brand.

No thinking required, just instant recognition.

Put in the effort before you start, develop your brand, then promote you brand.

Rodney Goodall has spent his life training and building teams in a retail environment.

Since shifting his focus to online marketing, he has written numerous tutorials and aricles for other people. Now that he has learnt the ropes, he is now applying the knowledge to create his own list and build a team of people who all recruit.

"How to Draw Attention to yourself"

1. Think of when they think of you, and it requires time and consistency to build a brand. Say you're at a new school and you want to make friends. Your brand then, should include characteristics like loyalty, friendliness, and fun. Do things that build this brand and make you a more appealing potential friend. Other examples of brands include the "bad-boy image." Be careful, though, or you'll look like you're trying too hard. :-)

2. Be original. Looking at the stereotypical brands mentioned in the last step, you may think, none of those are really what I want. That's perfectly all right. You can brand youself as pretty much anything, and whatever your brand, it should reflet your personality and original style. If you're the same as everyone else, you won't draw attention. Just remember, once again, that if you're obviously just trying to get attention, that will be your brand. :-)

3. Be outstanding. When we think of the word "outstanding," we usually think of excellence, but being outstanding also means to "stand out." If you want to stand out, do your best to be the best at something. If you want to draw the attention of your spouse, for example, be the best husband or wife you can be. If you want to get a better job, be extaordinarily competent in your current job and seek to learn more to advance your career. You don't always have to be outstanding at something that's directly related to your goal. For example, you'll find that people who are very succesful in whatever pursuit they choose in life often draw the attention of, or date, beautiful women or good-looking guys, even if their particular field of excellence has nothing to do with being a good mate. If you're outstanding at something, just about anything, you'll draw people's attention. :-)

4.Be subtle. A patient, subtle approach is important in developing your image because if you look like you're trying too hard to draw attention, you'll simply end up branding yourself as someone who craves attention, which is generally not a desirable attribute. As an example, imagine you want to get attention in order to make friends. If you stand on your head and insult people, you'll likely get attention for a little while, but you probably won't make friends--everybody will know you're just desperate for attention. On the other hand, if you draw attention to yourself by wearing a smile, making a conversation with people, or joining a sports team, you'll build a more positive brand and get more attention in the long run. :-)

5. Be humble Be outstanding, be confident, be assertive, but don't be arrogant. Even if you truly excel at just about everything, people will try to tune you out--or even resent you--if you are a jerk. Don't tell people how awesome you are, show them, and don't make a big deal out of it. Don't blow your own horn too much. :-)

** Please Remember This My Friends: Feel it, Believe it, Live it. The Magic Words, "Just Do It" **

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              320-239-4537      end_of_the_skype_highlighting


1. "Increases Your #1 Fat Burning Hormone"
Growth Hormone is the most important fat burning hormone in your body. Stop & Go Eating pushes growth hormone production into high gear and this makes your fat burning furnace start to work overtime. Stop & Go Eating also decreases your insulin levels, which helps your body burn fat instead of storing it.

2. "Increases Fat Burning Enzymes"
Stop & Go Eating will sky-rocket the activity of two of the most important fat burning enzymes in your body. HSL (Hormone Sensitive Lipase) is the enzyme responsible for allowing your fat cells to release fat so it can be burned as energy in your muscles. LPL (Lipoprotein Lipase) is the enzyme responsible for allowing your muscle cells to take up fat so it can be burnt as a fuel. Stop & Go Eating increases both of these enzymes to optimize fat burning.

3. "Burns More Calories"
This technique actually increases your metabolism and energy level, thereby increasing calorie burning. And you already know the more calories you burn the faster you can lose weight. Many are shocked at how awake and energetic they are during their 1st experience with Stop & Go Eating… often their most productive day of the week!

4. "Burns Fat Instead of Sugar"
Stop & Go Eating shifts your metabolism from burning blood sugar to burning mostly body fat. When you eat a meal your body likes to burn carbs first, then the fat from your food. Any extra fat that your body can’t burn in the few hours after you eat get stored as body fat. When you fast your body has no choice but to burn stored body fat. By the end of a Stop & Go Eating period, your body is burning way more fat than it would during a regular day of eating.

5. "You’ll Finally Find Out The ‘Why’ Behind Your Eating Habits"
The most surprising benefit people report back when they try out this technique is a new found awareness of what causes them to eat the way they do. When you make a conscious decision to do this Stop & Go Eating for even one day, your less than flattering eating motivations become painfully obvious. This can really help you STOP BAD HABITS for good. I’ve said many times (and it’s TRUE) that knowing what your motivations are for poor eating choices is essential before you can change them and build better habits.

6. "Builds Positive Attitudes Towards Yourself and The Foods You Love"
Those that try this technique report that they see it as an accomplishment that can build self-confidence and gratitude. At the end of a Stop & Go Eating session, you can feel good about your accomplishment and start feeling good about your relationship with food again. This empowered feeling only builds over each time you use it, until you feel completely in control of your food choices.

7. "Makes It Easier To Enjoy The Foods You Love, Guilt Free"
Depending on how you do it, Stop & Go Eating allows you to drop more weight and inches without the restriction of most popular dietary plans… if you’re like me and have tried those crazy fads, you know exactly what I’m talking about. When you try Stop & Go Eating just every few days, you can let loose a bit more and have the confidence and habit not to over-indulge because you are now even more in-control of your food!

You might have guessed from the facts above that we’re talking about a very different and unique twist on an old technique, more commonly know as fasting.

Now, quite honestly, I hate fasting, but I actually LOVE Stop & Go Eating.

"Here is why:

1. Stop & Go Eating is much more effective and easier to do than fasting.
2. You only need to do this for 18-24 hours, once or twice per week…that’s it!
3. My very first try at Stop & Go eating worked so well and was so easy (after the first few hours), I’ve been doing it off and on ever since.

Now, there are some other tricks you’ll need to know to get the most out of this powerful technique…

…and because it wouldn’t be fair to spill the beans on them all here, (I didn’t create them!) there’s an updated copy of THE blueprint on Stop & Go Eating waiting for you here…

** Please Remember This My Friends: Feel it, Believe it, Live it. The Magic Words, "Just Do It" **

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537

Ten Ways To Increase Your Happiness :-)

1. *MEDITATE* :-)

Meditation helps you to slow down and look within. Take a few minutes each day and focus on your breath. Feel yourself breathing in and out. If thoughts come into your mind just release them with your breath as you breathe out. This is a great tool for learning to be present and a great way to discover the things that are bothering you so you can release them. As things come up, just let them go as you breathe out. As you think of things you need to do just let those go as well. Meditation is your “me” time… that little space during the day that is just for you.

2. *EXERCISE* :-)

You don’t have to be a marathon runner to benefit from exercise… I certainly am not. What I am saying here is for you to just not be a lump on the couch. Get up and go take your dog for a nice walk. Play with your children. Do some yoga. Even clean the house. It doesn’t have to be much, just get moving!

I will pair this one with eat healthy food… obviously!

3. *FORGIVE* :-)

Forgiveness is not a gift you give to others, it is a gift you give to yourself. Work on letting go of past hurts so that you can live a happier and more fulfilling life. Harboring animosity toward someone else does not help you get even with the other person, it only harms you. It wastes your time and energy that you could devote to something more beneficial in your life. I know it doesn’t seem right for the person who was hurt to have to do the additional work of forgiving and letting go, but would you rather be self righteous or would you rather be happy? The choice is up to you. Always remember to forgive yourself too.


Learn to accept and love yourself just as you are. Accept yourself with all of your good qualities and your faults. Your worth isn’t determined by how many times you have succeeded or failed or by how much money you have. Nor is it determined by who you know, what you do or what you look like. Your value to the world is determined by what is in your heart. Remember that you are perfect just the way you are. There is nothing else you need to do or be in order to be worthy of love.

5. *HELP OTHERS* :-)

If you want the shortcut to happiness, here it is! You can help anyone you wish, just pick something to do that gives you joy and comes from your heart. Whether you choose to help children in hospitals, homeless animals, the elderly, the poor, the sick, or wildlife doesn’t matter - whatever is closest to your heart is fine. Even if you aren’t ready yet to commit to a major cause, just give out kindness wherever you see it is needed. Giving out smiles and compliments is not only a great way to start, but a wonderful habit to get into. Kindness costs nothing and can bring you a great deal of joy. If you see someone who seems a bit down, just give them a big smile. That can make more of a difference in a person’s day than you can imagine. Remember that your actions and your words should always come from your heart.


Worry takes you away from the present moment and strips you of your energy. I can’t tell you how many years of my life I lost being caught up in worry. I remember being so absorbed in possibilities of future events that I could not even feel anything in the present moment. I lived for the weekends, but could not enjoy them once I got there and seemingly wonderful events were always tainted by that ever present feeling of dread. I couldn’t even relax on vacation. Did all that worrying achieve anything? Nope! Did any of the things I worried about ever come to pass? Only in my mind… I lived them over and over again and experienced that torture on a constant basis. Don’t do that to yourself. Worrying about something will NEVER do anything to solve any problem. Worrying just forces you to repeatedly experience horrible things that may or may not even occur. Let it go! Even if the event does come to pass, it is better to only experience it once than several times… and usually the imagined events are far worse than anything reality would ever throw your way. Make a conscious choice to make every moment of your life count. Live in the present, enjoy the people around you and give 100% of yourself to the people you love when you are with them.

7. *BE PRESENT* :-)

At times this can be easier said than done, but the general gist of it is this:
When you are watching a movie… you are watching a movie. When you are going for a walk, you are enjoying the experience. When you are playing with your children, you are there 100% with them. When you are in a conversation, you are there with the person you are speaking to and not off somewhere else. When you visit a new place, you really drink it all in and experience it.

Enjoy each experience fully and experience everything fully without thinking about what needs to get done or what the future holds.


Stop paying attention to depressing things and focus instead on happiness. I stopped watching the news a long time ago and usually will just pop in a funny movie so I can control the content of what I am seeing. My internet homepage is customized with what I want to see and nothing more (this is where I get my weather updates for those of you who are wondering). It isn’t that I am avoiding reality, I just know that there is no use in seeing things that stress me out or make me sad. That doesn’t do anything to improve the situation and it just strips me of energy I could put to better use.

9. *LAUGH* :-)

Laughter is important - it relaxes you and triggers reactions in the body that are beneficial to your health and happiness! Do things every day to make yourself laugh. Watch funny movies. Watch your kids or pets play… or better yet, play with them. Read funny books. Talk to funny people. Do things to make others laugh and laugh along with them. Laugh at yourself. Laugh, laugh, laugh!

10. *LOVE* :-)

Love is the essence of who we are and why we are here. Love is the source of life… and the farther you are from it, the less energy and drive you will have to make positive things happen. Love more and you can become more. Love freely, deeply and fully. Love everyone around you including yourself. Remember that the more you give, the more you will receive in return. Live your life from love and happiness will follow you wherever you go.

** Please Remember This My Friends: Feel it, Believe it, Live it. The Magic Words, "Just Do It" **

The Best

"Starbuck Man" :-)

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              320-239-4537      end_of_the_skype_highlighting