The Internet has become a positive but also a very crowded place. The visitor comes across lots of banners & other types of advertisements while surfing various sites. He plainly ignores nearly all of them. It is therefore necessary to know that the ‘Survival of the fittest’ rule applies to this section also. Only the best-looking advertisements get clicked & hence only those make such advertisements can do good business. Here are some tips to make your advertisements look attractive and appealing. :-)
One important tip is to avoid making banner advertisements. Though banner advertisements were a working source long back, they are not so effective nowadays. The visitor has already visited 99 other banners before viewing yours & there are maximum chances that he will ignore your banner too, the way he ignored the last 99. Also, everyone gets irritated with all those flashy banners prompting unnecessarily in between the pages. A very good solution to this problem is to create text links. It is noticed that chances of getting clicked are more for text links than that of banner links. But then, most of the sites today accept only banner advertisements and not text ones. :-)
Here is a simple solution; Convert your banner advertisement to look like a text advertisement! When you have created the advertisement in html (make the background white since it easily suits nearly every type of background), just preview the link in the editor or the browser. :-)
Once you have the preview, click the ‘Print Screen’ button on your keyboard (You can locate it above the Page Up button. Then open Microsoft Paint (Start > Programs > Accessories > Paint). Go to the edit menu and click Paste. This will paste the whole screen shot of your preview. Save the document in JPG format & then edit it with your Image Editor. Crop the image so that only your text banner can be seen. Then resize it to the required pixel size. Thus, you have a banner, which purely looks like a text advertisement. Text advertisements are not only less showy but they also increase the formal standard of your website/ company. :-)
There are some other tips for making your advertisements appealing. Always use effective words. Use of words such as ‘Free’, ‘Visit Now’ & other such words can make the visitor immediately click your link. Also, make the visitor get a feeling of emergency by using phrases like ‘Limited time Offer’ or ‘Hurry’ so that he should leave his present work & rush to your website. Use good and decent colors in your advertisement. Try to make your banner as enthusiastic & interactive as possible by using buttons, special cursors, but also remember not to create a crowd of objects in your banner. Always take into consideration the audience whom you want to attract & design the banner and the text in that particular fashion. Also maintain the color scheme of the banner. Also update your banners regularly with new ideas to create a fresh view about your website.
Remember My Friends, Feel it, Believe it, Live it. :-)
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"Starbuck Man"
Randy Flaherty
“Be the energy you want to attract.” “It’s already yours – Universe.” “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Believe you deserve it and the universe will serve it.”
Saturday, August 21, 2010
A simple way to create Seven effective autoresponder messages
Email is the Net's most powerful marketing tool. And autoresponders are the best idea yet for marketing with email.
There is an old saying that the first ad rarely sells. You have to put your product, service, or idea in front of a prospect several times before she buys.
Autoresponders are designed specifically to get your message back to the same prospect over and over. That's why most autoresponder packages come in groups of 7 messages--from the 7 message marketing rule that has been the rule in advertising since our grandparents were in diapers.
But what do you say in your 7 messages? We've written autoresponder series for hundreds of customers. Here is one method that always works.
This method is called REMIND 'EM. People don't read your sales letter as carefully as you think. They tend to skim. They read the first message, but miss the second and third message. The prospect may not tune in again until message five. It's so easy for people to completely miss your main points intended to lead to a sale.
It's important to *repeat* your main message over and over. Say it once, twice, three times in your first message. Say your main message in a different way in the second message. Re-cap your main point again in the third message. That way, people who aren't paying attention still get your important ideas.
Here's an example of how the "remind 'em" formula works for a 7 letter series promoting personal security products.
*Message (1) The world is a dangerous place. You need new innovative security products to insure your protection.
*Message (2) More details on how and why the world is a dangerous place.
List places or situations that are especially threatening.
*Message (3) Recap how the world is a dangerous place. Give more details on the key new security products that have come out.
Now start the middle section of messages. Note how they become more instructional telling people how to use the products.
*Message (4) Protect yourself from the dangerous world with Product A.
Here's how to use Product A. Here's why you would use it.
Here's where to use it.
*Message (5) Protect yourself with Product B. Here's how to use it.
Here's what happy customers say about it. Tell a hair raising story of how Product B saved a customer's life.
Now comes the wrap-up and reminder, especially important for people who never got around to reading your earlier messages.
*Message (6) Go back to your main sales letter used in numbers 1 and 2.
Start all over reviewing your main points and highlighting your most popular products.
*Message (7) This is the final follow-up email. I usually have it come two weeks to one month after message 6. It's designed to scoop up all the people who weren't ready to buy in the beginning, but may be ready to buy now.
It can start with "For the past few weeks I've been sending you important information about how to protect yourself in threatening situations. I know you are busy and may not have had time to consider how these products could improve your life and confidence." At that point, you again review your main points.
Repetition is the key to advertising success. Find creative ways to keep the main message going week after week and you will have as many customers as you can handle. Busy prospects simply need time for your message to sink in. As we used to say when I worked in media, it's just when you and your staff are sick to death of a commercial that the audience is just beginning to notice it.
Remember My Friends, Feel it, Believe it, Live it.
The Best
"Starbuck Man"
Randy Flaherty
Contact: 320-239-4537
There is an old saying that the first ad rarely sells. You have to put your product, service, or idea in front of a prospect several times before she buys.
Autoresponders are designed specifically to get your message back to the same prospect over and over. That's why most autoresponder packages come in groups of 7 messages--from the 7 message marketing rule that has been the rule in advertising since our grandparents were in diapers.
But what do you say in your 7 messages? We've written autoresponder series for hundreds of customers. Here is one method that always works.
This method is called REMIND 'EM. People don't read your sales letter as carefully as you think. They tend to skim. They read the first message, but miss the second and third message. The prospect may not tune in again until message five. It's so easy for people to completely miss your main points intended to lead to a sale.
It's important to *repeat* your main message over and over. Say it once, twice, three times in your first message. Say your main message in a different way in the second message. Re-cap your main point again in the third message. That way, people who aren't paying attention still get your important ideas.
Here's an example of how the "remind 'em" formula works for a 7 letter series promoting personal security products.
*Message (1) The world is a dangerous place. You need new innovative security products to insure your protection.
*Message (2) More details on how and why the world is a dangerous place.
List places or situations that are especially threatening.
*Message (3) Recap how the world is a dangerous place. Give more details on the key new security products that have come out.
Now start the middle section of messages. Note how they become more instructional telling people how to use the products.
*Message (4) Protect yourself from the dangerous world with Product A.
Here's how to use Product A. Here's why you would use it.
Here's where to use it.
*Message (5) Protect yourself with Product B. Here's how to use it.
Here's what happy customers say about it. Tell a hair raising story of how Product B saved a customer's life.
Now comes the wrap-up and reminder, especially important for people who never got around to reading your earlier messages.
*Message (6) Go back to your main sales letter used in numbers 1 and 2.
Start all over reviewing your main points and highlighting your most popular products.
*Message (7) This is the final follow-up email. I usually have it come two weeks to one month after message 6. It's designed to scoop up all the people who weren't ready to buy in the beginning, but may be ready to buy now.
It can start with "For the past few weeks I've been sending you important information about how to protect yourself in threatening situations. I know you are busy and may not have had time to consider how these products could improve your life and confidence." At that point, you again review your main points.
Repetition is the key to advertising success. Find creative ways to keep the main message going week after week and you will have as many customers as you can handle. Busy prospects simply need time for your message to sink in. As we used to say when I worked in media, it's just when you and your staff are sick to death of a commercial that the audience is just beginning to notice it.
Remember My Friends, Feel it, Believe it, Live it.
The Best
"Starbuck Man"
Randy Flaherty
Contact: 320-239-4537
10 ways to drive traffic to your website
Developing a web site and then letting it grow is like planting a tree and then nurturing it. You need to take care at every step from start to infinity. Only launching a website is not sufficient, promotional activities need to be taken to locate target audiences and then for reaching to them. You will have to make sure that your presence is felt by the entire world. There are many ways like posting links on other sites and search engines, sending e-mails, starting affiliate programs, writing articles etc that will drive traffic to your website.
Some of the way for driving traffic towards your website are listed below:
1. *Create links*
The number of links present on various other sites that focus at you determines the level of your popularity. Always make sure that you exchange links with as many sites as possible as it helps in getting subscribers. You can have a separate page devoted solely for this purpose. The websites on which link will appear should be chosen with care and should be focusing the same set of audiences that you focus on.
2. *Provide the latest*
Always make sure that you provide the latest and up-to date information to your visitors. This helps in creating new customers and retaining existing ones.
3. *E-mails*
Make a list of subscribers that are considered by you as precious. The focus shall be on quality and not on quantity. These subscribers can be sent E-mail newsletters. It is an excellent way of promoting your web site provided the content of newsletter is short, informative and interesting. You can even join big and small e-mail groups for promoting your website and the products it sells.
4. *Affiliate programs*
An affiliate or associate programs pays a part of their sale proceeds to sites whose links have helped the retailer in generating actual sales. You should focus on building a network of affiliate program whose products and subscribers can help you in getting business. Decide on the percentage of commission that you will pay to them and always focus on getting right kind of group.
5. *Bookmarking the website*
You can concentrate on making sure that the visitors bookmark your website so that every time they access Internet they feel your presence.
6. *Search box*
As your business grows in size more and more users will be visiting your site. There will be more of customer queries and you will have to provide for more information. The best and most effective way to minimize confusion and handle large volume of customers is to provide for a search box on your website. It helps the users to locate the desired information without any trouble.
7. *Article writing*
You can write articles on topic related to your website for distributing them as newsletters, or to the owners of other website to be submitted by them in article directories on the condition that they will provide link to your website when using the material provided by you. This helps in getting popularity on a wider basis. Search engines even use these directories that help in getting listed on popular search engines.
8. *Free advertising sites*
There are many sites, newsgroups, directories that will allow free advertising of your website. You can post ads there and publicize your web site.
9. *Special focus directories*
There are many sites that focus on some particular industry or product. Getting yourself listed on such sites help in bringing target set of visitors.
10. *Auto responders*
With the growth in business the customers’ base increases and so do their needs and queries. These present and potential customers will be asking all sorts of questions. To satisfy them in the bet possible way auto responders can be used.
Some of the way for driving traffic towards your website are listed below:
1. *Create links*
The number of links present on various other sites that focus at you determines the level of your popularity. Always make sure that you exchange links with as many sites as possible as it helps in getting subscribers. You can have a separate page devoted solely for this purpose. The websites on which link will appear should be chosen with care and should be focusing the same set of audiences that you focus on.
2. *Provide the latest*
Always make sure that you provide the latest and up-to date information to your visitors. This helps in creating new customers and retaining existing ones.
3. *E-mails*
Make a list of subscribers that are considered by you as precious. The focus shall be on quality and not on quantity. These subscribers can be sent E-mail newsletters. It is an excellent way of promoting your web site provided the content of newsletter is short, informative and interesting. You can even join big and small e-mail groups for promoting your website and the products it sells.
4. *Affiliate programs*
An affiliate or associate programs pays a part of their sale proceeds to sites whose links have helped the retailer in generating actual sales. You should focus on building a network of affiliate program whose products and subscribers can help you in getting business. Decide on the percentage of commission that you will pay to them and always focus on getting right kind of group.
5. *Bookmarking the website*
You can concentrate on making sure that the visitors bookmark your website so that every time they access Internet they feel your presence.
6. *Search box*
As your business grows in size more and more users will be visiting your site. There will be more of customer queries and you will have to provide for more information. The best and most effective way to minimize confusion and handle large volume of customers is to provide for a search box on your website. It helps the users to locate the desired information without any trouble.
7. *Article writing*
You can write articles on topic related to your website for distributing them as newsletters, or to the owners of other website to be submitted by them in article directories on the condition that they will provide link to your website when using the material provided by you. This helps in getting popularity on a wider basis. Search engines even use these directories that help in getting listed on popular search engines.
8. *Free advertising sites*
There are many sites, newsgroups, directories that will allow free advertising of your website. You can post ads there and publicize your web site.
9. *Special focus directories*
There are many sites that focus on some particular industry or product. Getting yourself listed on such sites help in bringing target set of visitors.
10. *Auto responders*
With the growth in business the customers’ base increases and so do their needs and queries. These present and potential customers will be asking all sorts of questions. To satisfy them in the bet possible way auto responders can be used.
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Remember My Friends, Feel it, Believe it, Live it.
The Best
"Starbuck Man"
Randy Flaherty
Contact: 320-239-4537 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 320-239-4537 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
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