Friday, August 20, 2010

40 Ways To Drive Pre-Qualified Visitors To Your Website – And Keep Them Coming Back!

40 Ways To Drive Pre-Qualified Visitors To Your Website – And Keep Them Coming Back!

Posted on | May 24, 2010 | No Comments

In 1998, promoting your Web site was a very easy process. You placed three lines of code called “meta tags” on the top of your home page and submitted your site to the free search engine (Yahoo) or online directories. Fast forward to the present. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – yes, they have their own names now! – have become a time consuming project; There are software programs that reportedly help you increase your rankings and an entire field has cropped up of practitioners who call themselves Search Engine Optimizers.

However, it’s not enough to just drive traffic to your web site. You must make your web site “trustable” or all that traffic will disappear. The ideas below will provide you with some ways to help you both bring traffic to your site and keep your ideal clients coming back for more of your services or products.

It’s also not enough to drive “any old traffic” to your site. You want pre-qualified potential buyers. When your ideal client (target market, niche) visits your web site, you want them to feel special — to know that they have arrived at the place that will help them overcome a problem they’re having. So make them feel special. Target your marketing directly at them.

Before you spend money on software, learning about SEO, or on specialists, see which of the these less complex ways can help bring traffic and business to your site.

1. If your web site sells high-end services or products, but the site itself looks like you took MS Word and threw something up “just because,” people will leave your site, no matter what you’re selling. There are many hosting programs that will help you create a first professional looking web site. Not a programmer? Look for hosting packages that include wizards or content management programs to help you create a more professional looking site. (Although I do recommend hiring a professional as your best choice.). Heck, I can show you how to create a simple website, a first website, in 48 hours for less than $125! Click here to learn more

2. Remember that the most important part of your web site is “above the fold.” It’s first section of your site someone sees when they visit. So grab their attention with emotional headlines that tells them they’ve come to the right place and you’re the best company to solve their problem.

3. OK. If you’ve created a web site and have no way for your visitors to become part of your community and learn from you, you are better off NOT creating a site. What good is all that traffic if they leave your site and forget you exist? The answer is to place a subscription box above the fold for your visitors to join your newsletter. Include an offering of a free report, assessment, audio, ecourse or something else that will help them learn something new and get more importantly, something that helps them learn more about you and your company, too. Oh, forget about providing a link on the page that makes visitors click to subscribe to your newsletter. Remember, the more clicks someone has to make to do something, the greater the chances that they will move on.

4. Don’t create an online newsletter (ezine) unless you’re willing to send it out at least once a month. Never any less. Best is once a week or every other week. If you’re not a writer, stick to black & white newsletters and write a short tip and use an article you obtain for free at article banks. Hate to write? Learn how you can get free articles at

5. Swap Ads: Find another ezine published who has the same ideal clients as yours and see if you can place an ad for your ezine in their ezine for free, and they would then place an ad in your ezine for free. Just make sure that the person who owns the other ezine isn’t your direct competition. Instead, look for companies that compliment your service or product.

6. Ask your webmaster to name each of your pages using a keywords that describe what’s on the page. The keyword is the most important word on the page. They’re words the search engines will use to find that page. Example: www.YourDomainName/WhatIsOnThePage.html If you’re ready to learn more about Search Engine Marketing, email me. I’m considering teaching a class on the subject. I’ll put you on the announcement list as soon as I choose a date for the program

7. Offer added values that make sense to your business and ideal client. This can include articles or tips, affiliate programs, ebooks, resources, and books. For books, be sure to choose a source company that provides you with additional income if someone purchases a book from that site.

8. Add a “add to favorites or bookmark this site” script to some of your pages.

9. Add a “Recommend This Site” on your web site. If someone visits your site and knows someone else who may appreciate it, this feature will e-mail the page’s link to a recipient.

10. If you have pages on your site that you update monthly (like an articles page or recommended links page) say so on the page. Even offer an email list especially for those who want to be kept updated when you update the page.

11. Provide a subscription box to your online newsletter on all your pages, or at least your most viewed web site pages. You never know which page someone will find when they conduct a search on their favorite search engine. They may find you on a page inside your website and they’ll never know that you have a newsletter unless you tell them.

12. On large Web sites, create a “What’s New Page” or, even better, design a “Site Map” (a listing of what’s on the most important areas of your web site) for your visitors. You can see a sample site map page here

13. Make it easy for everyone who visits your site to contact you. Way too many web sites have forms or email addresses posted but when you click on them, they don’t work! OR get this. Some website have graphics instead of email addresses. When you try to click on the link to email them, nothing happens! These are either lazy or unknowledgeable business owners. I say that because there are ways to protect your email address from spammers and harvesters; it just takes a little more work and knowledge. I recommend that you create an email address just for your web site and have a contact form created so that potential clients can contact you. Have the form encrypted, making it harder for the “harvesters” to gather your email information and if you start getting spam, change your email address and the encryption on the form. Learn more about how to encrypt email addresses here

14. Search engines look for certain things – titles, heading, meta tags – so it is crucial to make sure your site is “search-engine friendly.”
1. Title tags: Title tags should be 60 or so characters and include keywords.
2. Header tags are numbered from 1 to 7: some search engines recognize header tags, so make sure you use these tags for each of the titles on your page.
3. Keyword Meta tags: Add no more than 15 to 20 keywords to keep the search engines from flagging your site for keyword spamming. Prioritize your words. The best way to submit to search engines is to submit to each engine individually.
4. Use keywords in the text area of each page. They are especially important at the beginning of sentences and closer to the top of the page.
5. To learn more about meta tags, titles and other Search Engine Marketing tips email me and I’ll put you on the announcement list for my next SEM teleseminar

15. Search engines do not find your site unless you submit your site’s information to them.
a. My best recommendation is that you submit to search engines individually (this is the way I do it and it works great, but is time consuming)!
b. Some people prefer to use a free service to submit their sites to search engines. If you do this, I highly recommend that you open a free e-mail address to use when you do “anything” for free on the World Wide Web.
c. You can pay for a program that will assist you to submit and critique your site.
d. You can also hire a Search Engine Optimization expert to handle your search engine submission.

16. Visit these search engine information sites and learn more about search engines: and

17. Find easy and secure ways for your clients to pay you. A shopping cart and a secure way to accept checks and/or credit cards is your best bet. Just using PayPal as a 3rd party merchant account is not enough. Some people want something different. Instead, look into having two 3rd party merchant account or a 3rd party merchant account and your own merchant account as alternatives.

18. Check your links regularly to make sure they all work. Use a free link checker like Xenu, which I’ve been using for years. It’s available at

19. Provide bulletin boards (forums) or blogs to build relationships and community. You’ll find resources for both at

20. Conduct periodic contests and announce the winners in your newsletters. This will get you new subscribers because your readers will tell their friends about the contest.

21. Offer a free e-book or e-report on your site. Its size doesn’t matter if you’re providing it for free and it’s specifically for your ideal client.

22. Write articles, post them to your site, and submit them to article banks. Learn more about these banks at

23. Build a strong, solid business foundation. Design a business plan, marketing plan, ideal client profile, and 30-second elevator speech. Why? First and foremost, these tools will help you recession proof your business. Secondly, you’ll be very clear and focused on your business and its message and your web site will reflect that. Third, the words you place on your foundation pieces could be used on your web site and you’ll have consistency in your message. Read articles about plans, ideal clients, and elevator speeches at

24. Design some quizzes or surveys. Statistics show that visitors love online quizzes and assessment tools. Make sure that you have a way to capture email addresses and provide the visitor with the results of the form, too.

25. Participate in online forums or bulletin boards as an expert, moderator, or member. You get to “quietly” promote your business in your 3 or 4 line signature. For bulletin board resources, visit

26. Place your web site address on all your printed literature — business cards, brochures, newsletters, letterhead, ads – everything!! but only if you have a web site that is viewable. Don’t follow this suggestion if your web site is under construction! Instead of helping your business, you’ll annoy folks who come to visit your site.

27. Promote your web address in your signature for e-mails and change your signature regularly to highlight something new you’re promoting.

28. Teach classes or speak to groups about subjects relating to your service or products. Bring a sign-up sheet for your newsletter to the event.

29. Attend networking events locally to bring people to your site. Be careful when networking online. It can start getting addictive. Make sure that all your online marketing produces results. If not, use an idea that will leverage your time better.

30. “Permission Market” by gathering, in writing, the e-mail addresses of students, or an audience, as part of your evaluation forms. Create index cards so that you can invite your friends, networking partners or associates to join your list. Keep any papers involved in this process for at least a year or two so if you have to prove that you have not “spammed” someone, you’ll have the back-up.

31. When your web site is launched, updated, or you write a free e-book, send a press release to the media, your clients, friends and associates.

32. If this list of promotion ideas seems overwhelming, visit your favorite search engine to conduct a search for Search Engine Optimizers and Consultants or ask others who they use and recommend.

33. If you want people to register to gain access to free information on your site, know that freebie seekers don’t like doing this, which is great for you! Who goes into business just to give away the shop? But if you do it right, your ideal client will be happy to join your newsletter. If you want to increase the odds that people register for your free content, offer valuable information and don’t create a form that asks for their life story.

34. Tailor your site to the disabled and those with very slow computers. When placing a graphic on a page, Include “alt” image tags with a written description of what the picture represents. When possible, use keywords in the description, too.

35. Include a site map. Site maps help some search engines to find you. At the very least, they help your visitors learn more about you and your services which, in turn, means they’ll stay on your site longer.

36. Scrolling: Ever gone to a website and had to scroll to the left to right because someone made the page too wide? Most likely you scrolled your way to another site. People don’t mind scrolling up and down for good information or products. But they never like to scroll left and right on a page. No way, no how!

37. Pay per click (PPC) This is a whole other field of advertising on the web that is worth looking into. Google and Overture are the most well know in the PPC field.

38. Blogging. The search engines like blogs because they like pages that are updated often. To learn more about blogging,

39. Attend networking events and provide some sort of postcard advertisement that will bring others to your web site. Maybe give out a sample. Or a gift card. Or even a notice of a free audio they can download from your site.

40. Promote your newsletter or services in Craig’s List under Small Biz Ads

Attraction Marketing System

Attraction Marketing System

Attraction Marketing System

Attraction Marketing System

Remember My Friends, Feel it, Believe it, Live it.

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 320-239-4537

23+ Ways to Promote Your Website for Free

There is actually no such thing as free website promotion unless you are really lucky. You always have to invest at least some time and effort, and as we all know time equals money which means no promotion is actually free.

However, if you are looking into ways to promote your website online while not spending any money, here are some ways you can do it. Most of these are generally well known but you might find something new and useful.

1. Start a blog. If you already don’t have a blog you have no idea what you’ve been missing. As we all know, content is king and having an ability to deliver fresh, engaging, and interesting content to potential visitors is crucial for any organic SEO success.
2. Be guest author on specialized blog or eZine. You can’t just wait to be invited to write for someone. You should contact respected blogs or web magazines in your industry and ask them if you can be a guest author. In most cases they will allow you to link back to your website and thus for you will gain free promotion. Being a guest author in respected media in your industry is also very good for raising the brand awareness of both you, your company and your services or products. Thanks to Dan in comments, we know about a website that enables you to easily find blogs where you can guest post or find guest authors for your own blog.
3. Get guest authors for your blog. By getting other people to write for you you will save time of writing an article of your own and you will be able to spend that time on promoting your website. In most cases guest author will also promote the article on his own, giving you free promotion. To find guest authors you can search for relevant bloggers and contact them or if you already are established website with community of its own, you can ask your community to participate in blog posting.
4. Comment on other blogs. Most of the blogs will allow for you to make your name on the comment appear as a link to your website/blog. By commenting on relevant blogs you will in most cases bring targeted traffic to your website and raise awareness of your existence to the owner of the blog. If you are investing lots of time and effort into creating valuable content in your comments, the blogger migth decide to award you for the effort and link to you via blogroll. Some of these blogs are “do follow” blogs and commenting on them will provide you with SEO benefit to.
5. Link to relevant content in your articles / blog posts. By linking to other relevant sources you show your give additional value to your content for the readers. Most of the websites track their visit statistics and referral sources and this way you will also raise awareness of your existence in the eyes of your niche. Some of them might be so nice to link back to you in some cases while some websites have automated systems of showing track backs to their articles.
6. Ask bloggers for your product or service reviews. Most of the bloggers are actually looking for something to write about. If your product or service is relevant to the blog’s content, the blogger might agree to test it and write a review of it for free. There is nothing for you to lose, you only need to ask nicely. Send an email to as many relevant bloggers as you can find and ask them to write about you. Eventually, you will get lucky.
7. Create a Facebook page and/or group. Facebook is one of the best social networks out there that you can use in order to bring some targeted traffic to your website. You should strive to create viral marketing effect when dealing with social networks such as facebook. Groups that encourage users to buy your service and / or product will not be very effective. You have to be clever and think of ways to lure people that might be of interest into your products and / or services into your group without being clearly obvious that purpose of the group is to direct traffic to your website and make people buy from you.
8. Create a Facebook application. Facebook applications tend to create even bigger viral effect then facebook groups or pages, especially if you play the cards right. Make something cool and fun that people will love to share and make sure to have a plan on how will you benefit from the application.
9. Use Twitter. Twitter is undeniably the next big thing in social media burning the web with over two million users right now! The ability to promote your product via twitter almost effortlessly should not be ignored. It’s really easy to gain followers on twitter and once you have a nice number of followers it’s as good as an RSS feed. You should read some useful tips on how to use twitter in marketing purposes and how to gain twitter followers.
10. Use LinkedIn. While Facebook and Twitter both have huge user base and potential to bring millions of visitors at your website’s doorstep, LinkedIn can sometimes prove to be much more ROI effective. LinkedIn is a network full of highly educated professionals from different industries and in some industries it will send much more targeted audience then other social networks.
11. Create a LinkedIn group. And by creating a group I don’t mean create a group about your company. Try going much broader and create a group that concentrates on your entire industry. Invest some time and effort to bring people into your group and once you built yourself a nice community you might be lucky enough and your group starts growing on its own. If you succeed you will have an army of your industries professionals at your disposal. You will have ability to send emails to entire group and to make any discussion featured and thus for control where the traffic of your group will be sent.
12. Be involved in LinkedIn discussions. The discussions on linked in (group discussions and questions and answers) tend to bring really nice and targeted traffic if you place a relevant link to your blog post or article in it. Try not to look spammy and only link to your articles when they solve the problem someone asked in discussion.
13. Create YouTube channel and post cool videos. YouTube is currently the 2nd largest search engine in the world! Imagine how much traffic you could pull from there especially considering the fact that in most industries competition on YouTube is pretty low compared to the big search engines. You should try not to put on commercials on YouTube (unless they are extremely funny) but instead put something interesting that might go viral. Be sure to always include a link to your website or the relevant article or subpage to the video on your website into the sidebar.
14. Create accounts on other video websites (YouTube clones). There are really lots of similar websites that don’t actually have as much traffic as YouTube does but they also have much less competition. If you already made a video for YouTube it’s not very time consuming to also upload it to other video websites and it’s really worth of effort.
15. Publish press releases. This is not as effective as it use to be but it’s still worth the effort. There are quiet a number of websites that allow you to submit your press release for free. Just Google it and you’ll find more then enough to fill your appetite.
16. Post a Wikipedia article about your company / website / product. Wikipedia tends to rank really well on Google and appears to be really good source of targeted traffic. You’ll have to invest some time and effort into creating the wiki entry as you don’t want your entry to be disapproved (deleted as soon as editor realizes you are just trying to promote yourself). If this is your first time submitting something to wikipedia, you should spend some time researching the similar wiki entries and reading the guidelines.
17. Exchange links. Use search engines to find relevant websites to your industry and contact them in order to try to establish a link exchange. In most cases both websites will benefit from such a exchange as long as you are exchanging links with websites relevant to yours. Avoid exchanging links with spammy and scammy sites.
18. Exchange banners. In some cases you will find banner exchange more efficient then link exchange. The same rules apply here as in link exchange case. Try avoiding the big banner exchange networks and rather concentrate on setting up exchange deals on your own with websites you actually wont to exchange banners with.
19. Submit your website to web directories. There are really lots of web directories that will allow you to list your website on them for free. Try concentrating on biggest ones such as DMOZ and also on really targeted ones for your website’s niche.
20. Submit your website to CSS / design galleries. If you have a nice looking website design, it’s a shame not to share it with the world. Some of these galleries are really popular and could bring nice traffic. There are also specialized galleries for different type of website such as Magentique (Magentique is showcase of web stores made with Magento ecommerce platform).
21. Use Digg. Recent stats show that digg’s traffic is declining, however, it still remains one of the most valuable sources of free and targeted traffic you can find online. It’s not enough just to submit the article to Digg, it won’t hit the front page by some magical IT voodoo dance. You have to build yourself a network of friends on Digg which requires a lot of time and effort.
22. Use social bookmarks. You should use social bookmark services and be active part of community. The most popular ones are also free to use and only thing you invest is your time and effort. You should try with StumbleUpon and Also using less popular social networks might bring you some traffic easier as competition is lower.
23. Be active member of your niche’s forum communities. Most forums will allow you to put a link to your website in your forum signature. Some of them will even allow multiple links in signature which means you can also build some deep links easily. In some cases you will be able to mention some of your blog posts or articles in forum discussions when they actually solve the problem asked in discussion. This will bring highly targeted free traffic to your website.

30 Ways to Get FREE Website Traffic in 30 Minutes or Less

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August 18, 2010

THURSDAY'S SHOW: Funny People: Tina Fey, Steve Carell, Betty White and Tracy Morgan

Attraction Marketing System

Attraction Marketing System

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              320-239-4537      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

9 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Site and Increase Sales

9 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Site and Increase Sales

My name is Randy Flaherty and I’ve been involved in Internet Marketing for several years now. Not only have I experimented with different techniques myself, but I’ve studied and taken many courses on how to build and drive traffic to websites. I believe that this market is changing all the time and it is up to Internet marketers to stay on top of those changes and adapt and tweak websites to better target customers.

I’ve seen many websites that offer a good product or service, but because the right work isn’t done to drive traffic to the site, no sales are made. Too often, companies believe that because they build a website, people will come. But with all the competition and as many websites as there are now, that is simply not the case.

That’s why I’ve put together this short report with some tips for simple and cost effective ways to drive traffic to your website. I know your time is valuable, so this is a brief overview of marketing efforts that require minimal work for a big impact on traffic and sales. You are free to pass this report along to anyone you like, I only ask that you don’t alter any of the information contained in it.
1. *Set up an Ebay Store*

You can start and maintain an Ebay store for as little as about 20 dollars per month. Depending on your product and its cost, this is a great way to make sales for 2 reasons. You only have to write the content listing once and then tweak it from then on. You can keep using the same listing over and over again to make sales.

Ebay is a great way to gain the trust of customers that may have been apprehensive about buying from you before. Think about it this way, are you completely willing to give out your credit card number to some website for a product you didn’t know existed 5 minutes ago? Probably not.

You’ve probably at some point or another purchased from Ebay. You know that if you aren’t satisfied you can usually get a refund or there’s the feedback option, which gives the buyer some peace of mind. Once a customer purchases from you, usually a low-ticket item, they will be more likely to buy from you again and a higher priced item.

Someone searching for your product may not have stumbled upon your website, but because your product is on Ebay, they have found you. You should make your user name the same as your website domain. So, for example, it your website is you would make your user name on eBay or widgetsdotcom as Ebay may not allow you to use a .com name.

2. *Use Google Adwords*

Adwords are great to drive traffic to your site. If you’ve every used google for a search these are the small ads that appear in the column to the left or the right hand side of the page. Sometimes you see these on sites with a lot of content. And it usually says “Ads by Google” on the top column. The way these ads work is that when you click on one of the ads, it takes you to a website. The owner of that website then pays google for that click. Keywords can be as little as $.05 and as much as $6 per click. This is known as Pay Per Click.

You can pay for these clicks as little as $.05 per click. The cost per click is determined by the keywords you are targeting. So, you need to know how to choose the right keywords. Naturally, the most popular keywords, are the most expensive. If you go after the most popular keywords, you could be paying much higher prices than you need to be.

For example, if you simply do a search in google for “pens” you will come up with many, many results and many, many ads. There are about 6 million searches a month for the word “pens” but only 1000 for “fashion pen”. So, if you are selling a designer pen then you could bid on that keyword at a much lower cost and have relevant traffic coming to your site.

For keyword research, you can go to the following site:

Also, did you know that adwords now work at the local level? Yep, that’s right. That means lower competition and lower cost for you. So, if your users are strictly in a local market, this is a great way to get traffic to your site.

3. *Make and Upload Videos to You Tube* :-)

Have you ever noticed that when you search for a phrase, many times the search results will include a video from You Tube? You Tube is hugely popular with search engines.

The great thing about You Tube is that is free to upload videos and keep them up there. And, You Tube videos need not be completely professional. In fact, they will look more “real” if they are not professionally done. This site is more about real people posting their own content.

Almost any product or service could benefit from having their own video on You Tube. Many consumers, after viewing a helpful or insightful video will click through to your site. You are allowed to put your website in your resource box of your profile. If you go to You Tube, you’ll see this in the top right hand corner.

4. *Article Marketing* :-)

What exactly is article marketing? Article marketing is providing useful information via (you guessed it) an article. This article is contained on an article directory site that has topics on all sorts of topics.

The idea behind article marketing is to write many (20-40) articles on a given topic. Articles should be 400 to 600 words in length. The search engines seem to like this length the best.

By posting this many articles, this enables you to become somewhat of an expert on the topic. And in your signature, or your resource box, you list your website. Users looking for more information will most likely visit your website, to see what more information on the topic you have.

Also, anyone can take this article and use it on their website or newsletter, etc, etc, if they so desire, however, they MUST give you credit. So, do you see the potential? The more useful, informative articles you write, the more exposure you website has.

For an example of what I’m referring to, visit the site

5. *Forum Posting* :-)

Forums exist to allow assist users of the same or similar products to exchange information. Forums are well-respected by consumers and end users. This is because, for the most part, forums are independent and not “owned” by a company. So, they have a reputation for being genuine and honest in terms of the advice people can get from them.

If you are able to post meaningful and useful information for consumers than you can easily drive traffic to your site in your signature. I’ve used this method of driving traffic to my blog. Some of the days where I’ve gotten the most traffic was a direct result of forum posting. Forum posting is especially useful when you are relatively new to the web.

The way NOT to approach forums is to simply post your website in the forum without providing some sort of useful information. Not only do forum readers pick up that you are only trying to drive traffic to your site, but it infuriates them. It is also a great way to get banned from future postings in forums. I have my blog set up so that I must approve all comments. If I see that someone doesn’t write anything but just posts a link to their site, I immediately delete it.

6. *Web 2.0 Marketing – Facebook, Twitter* :-)

Facebook and other social media platforms are a great way to drive traffic to your site. Why? You can start a group or fan club for your site and more and more people will have exposure to your site.

Once your group is started, you can invite others to join. The way Facebook seems to work is that users search their friends’ profiles for other friends and which networks or groups they are a part of. They tend to join these groups as well, not wanting to be “out of the loop” so to speak.

Facebook has become a way of life for many of us. Yes, I include myself in that group. I’m on Facebook several times a day. And while it’s true, it can be an enormous time waster, it can also be a useful marketing tool, the user just has to be disciplined enough to use it that way.

7. *Email List* :-)

It is really important to have an email list. Here’s why: You want to communicate regularly with the people who visit your site. The more communication you have with your visitors, the more likely they are to get to like you and trust you. If they like you and trust you, they are more likely to buy from you. If you have their email you can keep in touch with them and give them special sales offers.

You are losing sales if you don’t have an email list. If you have a product to sell, than somehow someone stumbled on to your website. Once they leave, they may have the intention of coming back, but forget about your site or the web address. How often having you been surfing the net, and found a great useful site, but navigated away from it and forgotten all about it? If you collect visitor’s email address, you can keep in touch with them on a regular basis.

The other good thing about having an email list is that they are more likely to see your message. You aren’t relying on them to take action and come back to your site. You are sending them a message delivered right to their inbox, which gives you better exposure.

The tricky thing about having an email list is getting people to sign up. You’ll get some subscribers by asking them to sign up to receive special offers, but many consumers are very hesitant to give out their email address as they are concerned with getting spammed.

What I do, is to offer a free book in return for them signing up for my newsletter. This is in a pdf format so there is no printing or mailing involved. It is set up on an autoresponder through my email marketing service to be emailed to each new subscriber.

It is recommended communicating weekly with your list. I do that. If you don’t communicate regularly with your list, they will forget about you, and quite possibly unsubscribe from future emails.

Cost for maintaining an email list is less than $20 (less than 500 subscribers). You absolutely want to use an email marketing service and not try to manage this yourself. The last thing you want is a consumer saying you sent them spam. Also, if you try to manage the list yourself, the internet providers, like AOL, Yahoo, and Google may put your email in the spam box automatically when they see that it was part of a mass email. Using email marketing services avoids this as most are respected by Internet providers.

While there are many email marketing companies around, the one I use and recommend is Aweber. They have been around the longest and I have found them to be the most reliable and have great delivery rates. I can track how many emails were opened, and how many links were clicked on, etc. To find out more information about Aweber visit their website.

8. *Join Affiliate Programs*

There are people who make their entirely living by selling other people’s products. Yes, you read that right. They don’t have any product of their own, but sell other people’s stuff and make a good living doing so. Sales people that work on commissions are the most common form of affiliate sellers.

If you have a product to sell, you can join and affiliate program and have affiliates selling your products and only pay out about 10% commissions. That is a small price to pay to increase your sales. One of the most popular sites is commission junction. Check it out and you’ll see they sell just about everything under the sun. Sign up and you’ll have lots of affiliates selling your product on your behalf.

Is it better to go with an affiliate program rather than trying to manage an affiliate program yourself? Absolutely. If you try to run your affiliate program yourself, you have the burden of attracting new sales people, but by joining a program like Commission Junction, you have affiliates ready and waiting to promote your products.
Also, how will you track which affiliate sells what? How will these sales people know they can trust you to pay them their deserved commissions? A reputable organization like Commission Junction automates all of this.

9. *Addition of Shopping Cart (E-commerce) Program*

Consumers want to buy products without having to send you an email or have any interaction with you. That is one of the things that consumers love about websites. With only a couple clicks, they can have a product being shipping to them. Sites that make this process very simple do well. Just think about

That is why you need a shopping cart program and a way to collect money from them if you are selling physical products. There are many resources available for this. If you’ve ever sold a product on Ebay, you know that paypal has made this process much easier.

The company I recommend for your shopping cart is called 1 Shopping Cart.
• You don’t have to have a merchant account to accept sales.
• It is fairly easy to integrate with an existing website.
• The cost is less than $30 per month

You can find out more about them by visiting their website by clicking here.

I hope you have found the information in this report useful. If you are new to internet marketing, it can be a bit overwhelming. If your intention is to handle this yourself, I recommend familiarizing yourself with one technique and then moving on to the next, otherwise, it came seem too much to handle all at once.

I would love to assist you in bringing your Internet Marketing efforts more in line with your goals. I have 10 years Marketing experience in Consumer and Business to Business marketing. My website, Atlanta Restaurant Blog, is one of the top Atlanta Dining blogs, attracting about 9,000 visitors a month. Please check it out for examples of my website development, writing, and affiliate marketing work.

Good luck!

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30 Ways to Get FREE Website Traffic in 30 Minutes or Less

">Keeping the Faith

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty


100 Free Tools to Track Everything on Your Web Site

When you put up your Web site for the first time, it’s easy enough. You’re kind of liking this new-fangled Internet thing. The site starts to get a bit bigger over time.

Now you are up to your ears in advertising requests, tracking information and page comments. You need some free information and help fast. This list of 100 free tools to track everything on your Web site will get you though until you can get an IT guy on the phone.
Web Site Statistics and Counters

1. RiteCounter – While Ritecounter has a visitor counter, it’s the extras that put it over the top. Track hits to individual pages on your site, enjoy the free IP tracker, and enjoy other valuable tools and features.
2. GoStats – GoStatis is a free Web hit counter that more than exceeds the value of its price tag. Quickly check out page views, determine your returning visitors, gauge your page popularity, and more.
3.Browser Statistics – If you’re feeling out of step with what kids are doing on the interwebs these days, this program helps keep you up to date. It lets you know what browsers, operating systems, screen resolutions, and Javascript people are using these days, so your site won’t be too far behind (or too far ahead) of the times.
4.Who’s.Amung.Us – This site provides a simple code that you add into your site, and requires no registration. With the code, you’re tracking visitors numbers and locations, peak traffic times, and more.
5.Histats – Get your statistics in monthly, daily, or even hourly format with this tool. You’ll get stats for every page, a click counter service, visitor path tracking, and more.
6. Tracewatch – Choose between PHP tracking or Java tracking with this cool tool. You’ll also get a web-based panel with which to scope out the real-time visitor tracking info.
7. eWebCounter – Keep track of visitors visibly or invisibly with this simple program. Also, get reports of visitor statistics e-mailed directly to you.
8. Statcounter – Invisible and incredibly accurate, Statcounter is like a slightly less lethal ninja. It tracks your hits, keeps track of web stats, gives you real-time statistics, and more.
9. FireStats – This program is primarily tooled to non-commercial users. Use it to track referrers, OS trees, search engine keywords, and more.
10. Compete – How much of the entire Internet have you captivated on any given day? This tool measures how many people have visited your site that day—out of everyone on the Internet.
11. Visitors – A super fast web log analyzer, this tool works for Windows, Linux, and various Unix-like systems. It outputs the statistics from your web server log file into a variety of reports, and requires no installation whatsoever.
12. Stat24 – It’s all about 24-hour info with this slick program. Get professional statistics, web counters, web promotion and graphical maps of visitor clicks, all in one package.
13. Active Meter – Designed around visitors and not just visits, this tracking tool goes the extra mile for you. Track multiple Web sites with a single account, enjoy invisible trackers, and get all of the info you need to keep those visitors returning.
14. SiteMeter – This provides visitor info in a down-and-dirty, no-frills manner. Get page view averages, lengths of user visits, total counters and daily counters, and more.
15. OneStatFree – Sometimes the simple things really are the best. This tool lets you see which days and times are most active for your site, how its performance compares to others, the browsers your visitors use, and more.
16. FreeStats – Getting web browser access and a customizable dashboard is just the tip of the iceberg with the cool program. You also get detailed statistics and around the clock information.
17. GoldStats – What makes this program Golden? Live reports, detailed visitor information and search engine keyword reports.
18. Stat08 – It’s hard to even list all of the features that you get with this free tool. External referrer statistics, search keyword adjustments, visitor statistics (including geography and system information) and more.
19. CQ Counter – Would you like an ad-free, server installation-free web counter? With CQ, you can track which search engines bring you the most folks, how often your pages are reloaded, site hits, and much more.
20. eXTReME Tracking – What makes this tracking so extreme? You get basic tracking, geo tracking, system tracking, and referrer tracking.
21. BBClone – Designed as “a PHP based Web Counter on Steroids,” this tool lets you go beyond the number of visitors. For your visitors, you can get IP addresses, browsers, the order that the visitor viewed pages in, and more.
22. Webstats Basic – This simple program has a little of everything. It allows you to observe visitors and trends, monitor your site traffic, and export reports of your site in a variety of formats.

Surveys, Blog Tools and Web Site Communication Gadgets

23. Feedburner – Here’s one for the bloggers out there. This tool lets you turn your blog into an RSS feed for those dedicated readers, track who’s subscribing to your wisdom, and even track what your most popular posts are.
24. Woopra – This tool is great if you want more communication with visitors on your site. In addition to tracking tools, Woopra includes a chat tool, letting you communicate to visitors via handy pop-ups.
25. Addfree Stats – Need free statistics for your visitors? Track and display your hits, poll your visitors, and even view the data on your mobile device.
26. BlogTracker – This is a great, ad-free way of keeping track of your blog visitors. You’ll get visitor counts and other statistics in a sweet, hassle-free format.
27. Enquisite – Here’s your go-to program for search engine traffic data. Track regular searches and paid search engine clicks, and become an expert on drawing more visitors to your site.
28. 4Q – Take a tip from Family Feud and use 4Q to learn what the survey says. This tool helps you design polls for your visitors, and get more detailed feedback beyond the simple fact that they came to the site.
29. Google Banned Checker -A quickie tool to check if your domain name has been banned by Google.
30. ClickTale – Sometimes Big Brother watching isn’t such a bad thing. With ClickTale, you can record and view visitors’ actions on your site from their perspective, allowing you to better customize your site to fix problems people may be having.
31. Clicky – Clicky is another great tool for bloggers everywhere. It provides an easy-to-read dashboard, Twitter keyboard monitoring, in-depth visitor analysis, and more.
32. Snoop – Interfacing between your computer and your site, Snoop ensures that you don’t miss a thing. Be notified of comments, purchases, referrals and more with simple audio alerts.
33. MyBlogLog – If your blog and Facebook had a love child, it might look a lot like this program. You can effectively create an entire online community around your blog, as other bloggers running the program can visually see that you’ve visited, leave comments, and more.
34. Mochibot – If you use a lot of Flash on your site, then this program is ideal for you. It helps you track the popularity of your Flash games and animations, gauge viral Flash ad campaigns effectively, helps incorporate Flash into your blogging, and more.
35. Alexa – How does your Web site rank? Use Alexa to check out site ratings, hot URLs, and cool blogs.
36. The Alexa Toolbar for Internet Explorer – Extend your Alexa experience right into your browser. Get the real skinny on the sites you’re visiting, check out the real-time related links, and other sweet features.
37. Webtrack – Get e-mails or SMS messages when your site goes down or when visitor trends change with this cool program. You’ll also enjoy slick graphical statistics and lots of great visitor info.
38. dnScoop – Should you stay or should you sell now? This site estimates the value of your domain name, and also lets you scope out the prices of great domain names on the market.
39. Feed Analysis – This blog-friendly app is designed to complement Feedburner. It uses Feedburner info to provide interactive charts and more in-depth analysis.
40. SongKicker – Got a Web site for your band? Use this quirky app to sound the electronic depths for your Amazon sales and Internet gossip about you to gauge how hot you and your tunes are.
41. Reciprocal Link Check – Link partners are a great way of expanding your presence all across this series of tubes. To make sure your partners are still linking back to your site use this handy tool.
42. Google Adsense Preview – Google ads are a great way to increase your Web site revenue…if they’re doing their job, that is. This site lets you sample the ads that Google’s Adsense has picked out for you.
43. Google Adsense Calculator – Speaking of Adsense, is it properly paying out in cents (and dollars)? This tool helps you predict earnings changes relating to Impressions, Click Rate, and Cost Per Click.
44. List Cleaner – If your site or blog has a lot of lists, here’s your chance to clean them. This simple too removes duplicates from any list you give it, ensuring that your Top 100 isn’t more like a Top 80-something.
45. Nuconomy – Even though the economy’s in the gutter, the Nuconomy is looking good. This tool goes beyond page views to see just how actively engaged your users are with the site, allowing you to make it even greater.
46. YSlow – This Firefox extension helps you measure your front-end effectiveness. You’ll get a letter grade on your design and an outline of possible areas you can improve on.

Technical Web Site Stuff for Smart People

47. Web Page Analyzer – It’s all about file sizes and connection speeds with this simple, awesome program. Discover how quickly your site loads at different speeds, find the combined file size of all items on your page, and trim your sites down accordingly.
48. Grape – Free and open source, there’s a lot of room in this program for exploration and expansion. Get fluid statistics, API extensions, and more.
49. W3C CSS Validation Service – While the name may be a mouthful, it can be described in just two syllables: awesome. Analyze the different CSS templates you used in your Web sites and make sure it meets W3C recommendations which, among other things, means that multiple browsers can read it just fine.
50. Netcraft – Who watches the watch…er, the server? Actually, you can do so with this tool which lets you check out the OS and server software of your webhost, when its computers were last rebooted, and more.
51. DNS Stuff – Worried about keeping your domain name profile up to date? Use this program to check what’s in your WHOIS profile, and make sure you don’t have an obsolete e¬mail hanging out in there.
52. ServiceUptime – Worried about your site going down? This service will e-mail you if that happens, change the domain name being checked, and more.
53. Octagate Site Timer – Here’s another great tool for those worried about visitors with slower connections. You can measure how long it would take users to load multiple pages with this great, simple tool.
54. URI Valet – Here’s what your site really needs: a valet. Scope out your load time, server headers, internal links, image sizes, and more.
55. Browser Shots – While not as visceral as body shots, these Browser Shots are almost as intoxicating. It renders your site in Linux, Windows, Mac, and other browsers, meaning more people can enjoy your work.
56. NetRenderer If you’re a fan of Internet Explorer, you know its one weakness: it has more versions than Spiderman has clones. With this tool, you can render your site in everything from IE 5.5 to IE 8.0.
57. Piwik – One of the key draws to this great program is its features are built inside plug-ins, letting you choose what to keep and what to toss. You store the data it collects in your own database, including visitor tracking, keyword effectiveness, and other great tools.
58. AWStats – Definitely designed for the more visually minded, this tool generates web, streaming, ftp and mail server statistics in graphical format. It’s also great for analyzing log files, getting web compression statistics, sussing out HTTP errors and other great features.
59. JAWStats – As you may have figured out from the names, JAWStats is designed to work with AWStats. It gives you a variety of charts, graphs, and tables regarding visitors to your section of the Internet.
60. Clickheat -If you can’t stand the heat…well, get away from the monitor before you catch on fire. If you can stand the heat, use this tool to get a visual “heat map” of the hot spots on your Web site, define pages with keywords, log screen sizes and browsers, and more.
61. Analog – Sometimes an analog tool for the digital age is just what the doctor ordered. Analog reports in 32 languages, and lets you track usage patterns on your site with speed and customizability.
62. Track Yahoo Search Advertising – Just how effective is that Yahoo advertising? This tool helps you measure your Yahoo ad hits, making sure that you’re getting your money’s worth.
63. CrawlTrack – As a webmaster, what are you missing? If you answered “dashboard,” you’ll enjoy this tool that provides a downloads counter, blocks hacking attempts, tracks down the keywords that lured visitors in, and more.
64. W3Perl – Easy to install and easy to manage, W3Perl is beyond user-friendly. It can be used for page tagging and logfile analysis, and can even be run from your command line.
65. The Webalizer – This tool analyzes your web server log files, and produces them in an easy-to-read HTML format. The analysis is quick, the program is portable, and it supports dozens of languages.
66. Reinvigorate – Does your Web site monitoring need to be…well…reinvigorated? This tool gives you real-time info, granular visitor insight, desktop tracking and other cool features.
67. XiTi Free – This handy tool is already being used by over 350,000 sites. Use it to get a global view of your site, including visitor interest criteria, IP address exclusions, and awesome client support.
68. SpyFu – Think your Web site kung-fu is strong? This program estimates how much money your competition may be spending on advertisements, which can give you the edge.
69. ezine designer – It doesn’t get much simpler than this. Give them your Web site URL and a valid e-mail, and get notified if your site ever goes down, which is great for webmasters on the go.
70. Fiddler Web Debugging Tool – If you’d like to decode the conversation between browsers and your servers, this is the tool for you. In addition to its great debugging features, this tool won’t crash your browser like others of its kind.
71. Firefox: Web Developer Extension – If you’ve already got Firefox, you’re halfway there. This extension lets you remove cascading tiles, assess all of your external links, remove Javascript components, and more.

Analytic Programs for Web Sites

72. blvd – This program has almost all of the analytics you’ll need in one slick package. Get live stats, RSS conversion tracking, social media referral info and more.
73. goingup! – For those who feel like analytics packages lack a personal touch, this program clicks all the right buttons. You can personalize your dashboard, get the low-down on visitors, and even get tips on how to improve your web rankings.
74. Yahoo Web Analytics – This is a webtool that believes, like you, that “Web site visitors are now people, not clicks.” Tracking data is available in minutes (if not seconds), there’s 8 filters for scoping out your visitors, and you can track dozens of custom fields and on-site actions.
75. Open Web Analytics – This tool is all about building analytics right into your applications. This allows you to map users on Google Maps, scope out the age of your visitors, track their clicking, and a host of other cool features.
76. Google Analytics – You trust Google to find sites, so why not let them help you with yours? Track unique visitors, viewing trends, and use their unique visual analytics system.
77. Crazy Egg – If you liked Google Analytics’ overlay tool, then here’s a program that goes crazy with it. See visual representations of site visitors as a map representing just how hot (or cold) certain parts of your site are.
78. Slimstat – If you’d like your web analytics software with a bit of hot sauce, then here it is. In addition to normal analytics services, you’ll get bot tracking and spam filtering services, too.

Help for the SEO Impaired

79. Website Grader – Schooling yourself about your Web site has never been easier. Just give them your site, list any particular sites you’re in competition with, and receive an e-mail with how you compare in the Internet, with an option to receive ongoing e-mails.
80. Majestic SEO – Speaking of the competition, here’s another program to help you get a leg up on everybody else. It gives you detailed reports about other sites’ backlinks and anchor text, giving you the anatomy of your enemies.
81. Google Trends – What keywords does your site need to rock? Use the search masters, Google, and find out what hottest search phrases on the Internet are.
82. .htaccess URL Rewrite – Got some of those crazy-long URLs that send visitors scurrying? Shorten them to something more user-friendly with one simple step.
83. Cloaking Checker – Sadly, the Cloaking checker has nothing to do with Romulans. Instead, it lets you compare how search engines “see” pages as opposed to how browsers see pages.
84. Keyword Density Checker – Feel like your keywords are getting a little clustered? To make sure your site isn’t cluster-stuck, use this tool to examine keyword density in a handy tag-cloud format.
85. Search Engine Position -This cool tool has two simple components. Primarily, it lets you see how far up (or down) you are on Google searches; in addition to scoping your domain, you can put in certain keywords and see how they’re working for you.
86. Spider View – Skip being a fly on the wall, and try being a spider on the net. With this application you can view your chosen site from the perspective of a search engine spider.
87. Trifecta – Why measure just one aspect of a page when you can measure a trifecta? This program estimates the relative popularity of pages, blogs, and domains.
88. Term Target – It’s all about your mad Keyword targeting skills with this no-frills tool. It assigns any given page a grade based on how well the keywords are targeted.
89. Linkscape – If your internet marketing needs an edge, Linkscape will sharpen it right up. Identify linking domains, analyze the competition, find link acquisition targets, and more.
90. Term Extractor – This tool extracts terms that appear to be targeted at search engines. Check your own site’s effectiveness out, or just scope out the competition, with no installation required.
91. URL Redirect Check – Use a lot of re-directs? Make sure they’re search-engine friendly with one simple click.
92. Geo Target – Does your site’s marketing need to go global? Geo Target helps determine how effectively your site targets region-specific searches.
93. Check HTTP Status Code – Sometimes keeping your sites afloat is like being Scotty and keeping the Enterprise from blowing up. This quick tool spits out what status code a site is giving—sometimes you can even fix it problems without dilithium crystals.
94. IP2LOC – Simply give this site an IP address, and get a handy Google map of the area. Literally track down the competition, or just make sure your IP is giving off good vibrations.
95. Find Domain Age – Just how old is that domain? This simple tool gives you a quick, precise answer to that question.
96. Juicy Link Finder – Related to the previous program, this tool helps you old domains with high page ranks. You can specify searches by keywords, and see who the kings of that particular term are.
97. Raven – It’s all about optimization with this handy tool. It checks out your SEO components, examines what needs work, and lets you keep PDF records of its work.
98. Content Duplication Tool – Worried about duplicate info? This tool helps you sidestep the negative effects of duplicate info (such as index issues) and streamline your site.
99. Quarkbase – Consider this your base of information regarding info about your Web site. Find out how you’re looking on Facebook, Alexa, and everywhere else on the web.
100. Image Analyzer – How well do your images help out your Web site? This simple tool makes sure there’s no issues with image heights and widths, no images or text are missing, and so on.

These tools can provide you with imperative information about your Web site or online business. Never have a bad web page again and earn more traffic than ever before. Just think, you may never need another computer repairmen or webmaster.

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30 Ways to Get FREE Website Traffic in 30 Minutes or Less

Remember My Friends, Feel it, Believe it, Live it.

The Best

"Starbuck Man"

Randy Flaherty

Contact: 320-239-4537

SERIOUSLY-247 Ways To Get Traffic To Your Website

arly morning update today! Getting traffic is one of the most important things if you want to make any money with your blog. I’m not making much right now, but I’m trying hard to come up with fresh and exciting content that will be of value to my readers. While I’m trying hard (still) to do that, I’m going to post something that you might or might not have seen before. 247 Ways to Get Traffic To Your Website. This list was actually from, but apparently I can’t find it anywhere on the site now. I have a PDF of it so I’m going to post the list here.

There are really only 3 ways to generate traffic to your website — you can:

1. Buy Traffic:
This includes things like buying text or banner ads, PPC advertising, renting opt-in email lists and more.

2. Create Traffic:
Article writing, search engine optimization, sending out press releases, submitting to directories, emailing your list, social networking and bookmarking and so on are a few of

the ways you can create traffic.
3. Borrow Traffic
Borrowing traffic encompasses things like trading ezine or newsletter ads, forming joint ventures, trading blog posts and so on. There really are hundreds of ways to generate traffic…

Some of the following methods may be widely used, others rarely see the light of day, some are a little funky and not for everyone, some are drop dead simple, some are quite complex and time consuming, some are free, some are cheap and some are grossly expensive… but they all have one thing in common – they generate TONS of targeted traffic. But it’s still up to you to test and track your results to find what works best for you and will always, or almost always, generate a positive return on your investment. Anyways, without further ado, here are the 247 traffic generation methods. It’s a monstrous list and I’d slap myself if anyone actually does all of these faithfully everyday. I don’t. Hope you find this list useful!

1. Write a press release and submit it to
2. Promote your site using cheap or free classified ads in targeted ezines or
3. Leave comments on other people’s blogs with a backlink to your site.
4. Advertise your website in the appropriate category on
5. Create a viral software program and give it away for free.
6. Send a free copy of your product to other site owners in exchange for a
product review.
7. Submit your blog articles to (a like site for
8. Participate in
9. Write a book. The publicity, credibility and notoriety will practically lock
traffic on autofire.
10. Sell a cheap but extremely useful PDF formatted ebook on full
of links to your site.
11. Exchange reciprocal links with other related websites.
12. Find someone on eBay who is willing to tattoo your URL on a visible body
part. For maximum impact, the forehead is the most highly desired location.
13. Purchase advertising in popular newsletters or ezines.
14. Submit articles to trade magazines with a link to your site in your bio.
15. Submit your site to FFA (Free for All) sites (Warning: low quality traffic and
can be bad for SEO).
16. Buy text links or banner ads on eBay.
17. Start multiple blogs on related but slightly different topics to drive traffic to a
main sales site.
For example, if you’re selling an internet marketing product, you could have a
blog on internet marketing, another on email marketing, one on affiliate
marketing, another on search engine optimization and so on all to drive traffic.
18. Place a classified ad on Yahoo Classifieds – Yahoo receives more traffic than
any other website.
19. Find joint venture partners that will send you traffic.
20. Start your own newsletter or ezine.
21. Post some high quality targeted articles on the right sections of with a backlink to your.
22. Make sure your website is highly search engine optimized.
23. Target your website to low competition niches using long tail keywords.
24. Find a JV broker.
25. Review related products on
26. Use to automate your social book marking and
automatically generate backlinks.
27. Offer a free email mini course or e-course.
28. Have a website with content that’s worth coming back to.
29. Add social bookmarking icons to your website or blog (use the sociable plugin
for blogs).
30. Promote your website on cheap ‘pixel advertising’ websites.
31. Advertise your site on ‘word cloud’ type websites. I’ve gotten lifetime PR 5-6
backlinks for as little as $ 2.5.
32. Become a member of the Better Business Bureau and get them to put up a link
to your site (PS: it’s not worth joining just for the link).
33. Network with other people at seminars or other live events.
34. Speak at seminars and give the audience a reason why the absolutely,
positively need to visit your website for a titillating piece of information.
35. Promote your website on the ‘thank you’ pages of other sales sites. Work out
a mutually beneficial commission for the site owner
36. Try using cheap or free newspaper classified ads. This is also a great way to
test the response of different headlines.
37. Pass out business cards with your domain on them everywhere you go.
38. Set up a kiosk or booth at community events and giveaway something free to
build buzz.
39. Start and affiliate program and let your affiliates send you visitors.
40. Start a profile on social bookmarking sites such as
41. Add as many friends as you can on MySpace.
42. Submit a viral video to
43. Appear on a big time reality TV show like The Apprentice or Jeopardy.
44. Place ads on a local radio station. This is something I’ve actually used and on
the right radio station (preferably talk radio — much higher response rate) and
some kind of forced opt-in page (I offered a Caribbean getaway for personal
info… to monetize later), it can be financially feasible and even highly
45. Advertise on TV. This is not as beyond your reach as you might think:
Something as simply as having your website sponsor the news on a local
station can put you in front of 10’s of thousands of viewers for as little as
46. Hire a public relations company or agent.
47. Blog – blogging is a great way to get free traffic from search engines, RSS
feeds, other blogs, blog directories and more. The following 35 tips will focus
on how you can grow traffic through the phenomenon that is blogging.
48. Write a variety long and short, timely and timeless posts.
49. Encourage readers to subscribe to your blog’s RSS feed.
50. Submit your blog to all the major blog directories, including
51. Participate in blog carnivals; this is very similar to submitting articles (use a
multi-carnival submission form
52. Provide email subscriptions, this allows readers to be notified by email of new
posts (use the plug-in “subscribe2”).
53. Ping the blog directories and search engines.
54. Tag your blog posts.
55. Encourage your visitors to subscribe to your RSS feeds.
56. Rewrite some of your blog content and post it to article directories to develop
backlinks and traffic.
57. Find a hot topic on Technorati, post about it and then ping Technorati with
your new post.
58. Let visitors sign up to be notified when someone replies to their comments.
59. Give out blogging or top bloggers awards.
60. Send a personal thank you email when someone leaves a comment.
61. Link to your blog in your email or forum signatures.
62. Submit your RSS feed to other sites.
63. Use plugins to search engine optimize your side.
64. Optimize each blog post for a particular keyword or search phrase.
65. Submit your blog to any free and related niche directories.
66. Submit your blog to free review sites.
67. Use WordPress.
68. Link to other blogs that use a “blogs that link to mine” plugin, script or
69. Set up a feed on MyYahoo so that Yahoo keeps track of your blog.
70. Use trackbacks.
71. Participate in group writing projects.
72. Place a code on your site making it easy for other people to link to you.
73. Promote your blog on related newsgroups.
74. Join and make a list of blogs with your blog.
75. Ask other bloggers to review your blog in return for a review of theirs or a
76. Review other people’s blogs and tell them about it, so they’ll link to it.
77. Make a list of the top blogs in your niche, tell them about and ask them to link
to the list.
78. Connect with other bloggers at
79. Network with other people in your niche and other bloggers.
80. Analyze your logs or website statistics. Find out what’s working and then
duplicate it.
81. If you have staff, train them to market your business to acquaintances.
82. Barter with other sites for ads or content.
83. Pay an auto-surf company peanuts to get low quality traffic.
84. Put your product on, and other affiliate
85. Manually submit your website to the major search engines.
86. Add your personal profile including pictures and website links everywhere
you can… this is especially useful for social networking sites. This is also
good for branding.
87. Join a safelist and promote your website, product or service to others.
88. Join a Yahoo or Google group and use it to drive traffic to your site.
89. Print your URL on large pieces of sticky back paper and then stick it on the
backs of busses and trucks — preferably at night.
90. Track everything, find out where your visitors are coming from and duplicate
91. Plaster your URL all over your car, truck, van, SUV or bicycle if you drive
92. Get a customized license plate for the front of your car with your domain
name (if allowed by law).
93. Add a robots.txt file to your site to ensure it’s crawled properly by search
94. Go to baggage claim at a busy airport and put an empty piece of luggage on
that has your URL on it. With luck, it will circle around and around as it won’t
be claimed.
95. Host a teleseminar. Plug your site.
96. Host a webinar. Plug your site.
97. Create an ad ‘swipe file’ and use it for wacky ideas.
98. Submit a news story to
99. Get your website listed in, beg if you need to.
100. Review other websites on and include a link to your site.
101. Creatively connect a well-known celebrity to your niche.
102. Be the first to break a news story.
103. Get readers to Digg your blog posts or website pages.
104. Highlight some of your best articles or blog posts on your Squidoo lens.
105. Get PR 4+ backlinks to improve your search engine ranking.
106. Post your photos to, with a link to your site.
107. Linkbait: write about something controversial, break a news story or anything
else to virally build traffic.
108. Sign up to become a Google news source.
109. Purchase or ads or posts on high traffic blogs.
110. Create an online media kit.
111. Concentrate on a specific niche; you’ll get a lot more visitors from Google.
112. Become the go-to source for information on your niche topics.
113. Have a friend recommend your website or blog to his/her list in return for you
doing the same.
114. Print your blog web address on your business cards, letterhead, brochures and
all other printed material.
115. Install a translation script or plug-in and translate your website into other
116. Add a forum where your visitors can discuss topics related to your niche.
117. Break a world record and write about it.
118. Purchase the misspellings or variations of your domain name, or those of your
competitors to forward to your main URL.
119. Buy a domain name related to your niche that is already receiving traffic and
forward it to your site.
120. Barter for traffic with others in your field.
121. Cold call.
122. Hire an SEO company.
123. Volunteer.
124. Use a autoresponder or email campaign to keep people coming back to your
125. Purchase ads on other sites.
126. Try direct mail including postcards (they’re cheap and effective).
127. Start a Podcast or Videocast and submit it to iTunes.
128. Get bonus traffic: contribute a bonus product to other people’s products.
129. Use co-registration to build your list… then send them to your website.
130. Create a killer WordPress theme which automatically includes a link to your
site on the blogroll and another on the bottom (in the footer) giving yourself
credit for the design.
131. Create a plugin or widget for WordPress with the download link on your site.
If it’s good, not only will people from all over the WWW will link to it, but
they’ll highly recommend or endorse it.
132. Do the same thing as above in number 131, except create a plugin for Mozilla
133. Solicit the help of a local reporter to write up a newspaper article on you
and/or your business.
134. Use the concept of integration marketing. What’s that you ask? It’s when you
find another business that you can integrate your products, services or web
traffic with.
For example, let’s say you run a carpet cleaning company… integration
marketing might be where you find a home renovation company and work out
a deal where your services are included in their sales process (also knows as
an upsell). In this example, the renovation company might ask their customers
if they would like to have their carpets professionally cleaned after the
construction process is complete. On the WWW, if you provide one on one
internet business coaching, you could seek out a company that offers internet
marketing seminars. Part of their sales process might be asking participants if
they’d be interested in signing up for ongoing one on one coaching after the
seminar is complete.
135. Go to the beach and as you’re walking along, drop stencils of your URL on
unsuspecting sleeping sunbathers. Then they’ll get a nice tan of just your
URL, and for the next week they’ll be walking billboards.
136. Create a buzz worthy post and submit it to Don’t forget
to include a link to your website.
137. Train your affiliates and give them plenty of promo material.
138. Provide additional monetary incentives or prizes for top affiliates, most
improved and so on above the normal commissions.
139. Find a traffic broker and let them look after your traffic generation.
140. Use to post classified ads and generate backlinks and
partially targeted traffic.
141. Find an expired domain that’s receiving traffic, register it and redirect it to
your website.
142. Write an article for a local or community newspaper that’s related to your
field of expertise and include a website link in your bio.
143. Do something viral.
144. Answer people’s questions on
145. Post in forums and have a link to your site in your signature.
146. Create a killer PDF ebook and report, then sell it cheaply with master resell
rights (and a link to your site) and allow others to do the same, as long as they
leave it intact).
147. Get some t-shirts screen printed with your URL or get a few golf shirt
embroidered with your domain name. Wear them everywhere.
148. Rent out one of those moving advertising billboard vehicles. Get your website
written on it in large letters and drive around a busy part of town. For a greater
impact, honk your horn or play ice cream truck music.
149. Rent space on a roadside billboard or sign and give people a damn good
reason to visit your site.
150. If you have as store or physical location that people visit, put up a large sign
advertising your website both inside and another in a window so it’s viewable
to passers by. And if you’re really ambitious you can even put up a large neon
sign outside your store or office location.
151. Post a bulletin about a contest or other event on community bulletin boards
commonly found in grocery stores and community centers. Don’t forget to
include little ‘rip off’ tabs with your URL.
152. Put up little vinyl signs at stoplights along the road advertising your products /
services and your website.
153. Go to a construction site with wet cement and carve out your URL. You’ll fit
in better if bring along a hard hat and clipboard with the words “Building
Inspector” stenciled on the back.
154. Add a link in your email signature to your website. It’s a free and easy way to
get a little more traffic.
155. Make a custom 404 error page for your website redirecting people to your
home page.
156. Use PPC search engine advertising.
157. Add a “bookmark this site” link to your webpages.
158. Sponsor or donate money to a charity — they’ll often put you up on a page of
their website as a contributor and if you do it on behalf of your business,
they’ll also put up a link to your site.
159. Master the 7 second elevator pitch.
160. Put your website URL on your business voice mail.
161. If you have an ad in the Yellowpages, make sure your URL is a big part of it.
162. Put your URL in any other print or media advertisements.
163. Go to a book store and sneak a bookmark with your URL on it into all the
books that have anything to do with your business or niche.
164. This one is not for everyone, but I found it to be an interesting concept and in
the right online niche (of which there are lots) it could work well: Organize a
wet t-shirt contest and have all the girls wear t-shirts imprinted with your
165. When you post a project (only that you need completed) on freelance sites like,, and so on, include a
link to your website.
166. Add your URL to the company name on your PayPal account (ex. Your
Company Name –
167. Brainstorm: use a white board to come up with traffic sucking, off the wall
ideas and write the down before you forget.
168. Use a “” email address — curious people will
check out your site.
169. Solicit a link from your local chamber of commerce.
170. Give away a freebie (e-book, report, e-course) to keep people coming back to
your site with a strong auto responder campaign.
171. Give an unbiased testimonial on a product/service that you have used in
exchange for a backlink to your site.
172. Optimize each page of your website for a particular keyword or search phrase.
173. Have a tell-a-friend form on your site.
174. Submit your site to any related niche directories on the net.
175. Participate in a banner or link exchange program.
176. Conduct surveys and publish them – they’ll make you appear to be an expert
in your field and if your stats are good, many others will link to them.
177. Send articles to ezine publishers that include a link to your website.
178. Hold a crazy contest and help it go viral.
179. Ask others for referrals.
180. Ask if you can put your business card in related retail or office locations.
181. Get customized post-it notes with a snappy saying and your URL.
182. Stand at a busy intersecton in a funny mascot suit (or sting bikini) with a sign
that reads “Need Traffic:”
183. Advertise in your local ‘Welcome Wagon.’
184. Use or and trade
Stumble’s or Digg’s with other users.
185. Use Bum Marketing.
186. Do something to encourage ‘word of mouth’ marketing.
187. Advertise on internet only radio stations. It’s new, it’s cheap and it can be
much more effective than standard radio. Remember talk radio is best.
188. Advertise in the streaming player used by many FM, AM or online radio
189. Promote your stuff at a trade show and hand out memorable ‘take home’ swag
with your site address.
190. Hire a hot air balloon or blimp and add a banner with your URL.
191. Find an airplane advertising company and have them tow a banner (with your
website address) promoting a contest, giveaway, star search etc. I would think
that flights along highly populated beaches would work best, but not having
tried this method (yet) I can’t give an expert opinion on the results you should
192. Buy and use a memorable domain name.
193. Do something controversial.
194. Create an Amazon profile and submit reviews for books and other products
that you have read.
195. Start a lens on
196. Produce an infomercial for late night TV – just make sure you have a strong
sales team with high ticket backend products in place or you’ll go broke.
197. Buy a pair of sandals; get your website engraved on the bottom and walk on
the beach, stomp in the mud or play in the snow.
198. Sell your stuff (and reference your website) on a home shopping channel.
There are also cheaper online variations.
199. Appear as a guest on a talk radio show.
200. Give speeches at churches, community or business associations or even your
best friends wedding.
201. Take a vacation. This one works great for me because I’ll come back
refreshed with all kinds of new traffic building ideas. You might also be able
to write part of it off as a business expense.
202. Put a link in the ‘about me’ section of your eBay profile.
203. Create and sell a product with resell or giveaway rights and include a link to
your site in it so others pass it around for you.
204. Start an organization, club or association.
205. Use a favicon for your site.
206. Participate in a WebRing.
207. Put up links on some of yout sites to some of your other sites.
208. Connect your site with other sites in your niche.
209. Host a forum or chat room on your site and list in the relevant directories.
210. Add an RSS feed to your Squidoo lens.
211. Endorse a celebrity.
212. Sponsor a golf tournament or other sporting event.
213. Go door to door to solicit traffic (only if you’re really desperate or sell
214. Tip well and leave behind a business card.
215. Enter a business card into restaurants and stores that have free monthly prize
216. Send letters to local business that could benefit from your product or service.
217. Advertise in the classified section of a large newspaper, or take out a featured
218. Swap newsletter/ ezine ads with other publishers.
219. Improve your resource or author bio box.
220. Use unique Meta tags on each page of your website.
221. Write and submit articles to the article directories.
222. Sell or place classified ads on with a link to your site.
223. Post free classified ads on any of the sites that allow them with a link to your
224. Do everything you can to brand yourself and/or your business.
225. Use
226. Get awards.
227. Give awards.
228. Use ‘pay for rank’ search engines (please note: these are not the same as PPC
search engines).
229. If you feel you or your company is big enough, established and reputable,
create a page about it on
230. Rent a one-time mailing from a targeted opt-in list.
231. Participate in a package insert program with local businesses. That means
cooperatively mailing a package of stuff (flyers, brochures, letters etc.) to
potential clients and splitting the costs with similar but non-competing
232. Put on a free workshop at a local store, business, library, or organization.
233. Use reliable hosting. It’s amazing how many extra visitors your site will get if
you’re hosting is always working.
234. Use to send visitors to your site.
235. Redirect all your parked domain names to one that you actually want to
receive traffic.
236. Become a virus within your niche – people will start talking and linking.
237. Create a free ebook and list in on the “free ebook” sites.
238. Use a traffic exchange (low quality traffic, but can sometimes be worthwhile).
239. Buy PLR products, break them apart and customize them into traffic
generation machines.
240. Get referrals form similar but non-competing sites.
241. Take out a classified or full page ad in a targeted magazine.
242. Use sponsor ads in newsletters or ezines – they’re inexpensive and effective.
243. Get some nice pens made up and carry them with you. Next time someone
asks if you have a pen offer it to them for keeps – it’s amazing how many
hands it’ll go through.
244. Email your list. If you don’t have one, get one.
245. Sponsor a movie and get your URL placed in the credits… or if you can
afford it, get your URL placed in a movie scene much like a can of coke.
246. Join and post your list of 43 things including links to your
247. Call in to the “Leo Laporte – The Tech Guy” Saturday morning radio show on
KFI AM 640 in Los Angeles (syndicated across the US) with a website related
problem or question. In conversation, Leo Laporte will always ask you what
the URL of your site is – giving you a free plug in front of millions of
listeners. Dial 1-88-88-ASK-LEO.

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