Bring traffic to your hub/blog/website
After make a finding from experience millionaire and succesful people, I found several steps which may help you in increase your traffic rapidly. These methods commonly used by professional and individual to promote their products and services. This step could be done by yourself also. I hope this information will help you to increase your visitor from time to time. No need so hard work to perform these actions. The methods are:
1) Search Engine Optimization(SEO)*
SEO is commonly used by big commonly to rank up their rank into search engine. When your blog/hub/website rank is higher, people who is finding specific topic in search engine (Google, Yahoo ,etc) will easily reach you. SEO service need for you to subsribe in order to optimize your website/blog/hub but it is not expensive too.
2. Forums*
Forums is a place where people are disccussing about specific topics and issues. Forum could be say as gathering platform of people. These are targeted visitor which may be ideal for you. In forum, you need to register first before join the discussion rooms. This give you a big opportunity also to attract visitor to your hubs/blogs. You required to put your signature before start posting your discussion. Higher number of forum you join will result to number of visitor.
3. Groups*
Instead of SEO and forums, you must could join groups such as Yahoo Groups, Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, etc. You could tell others and friends also about what are doing and promotion your hubs or blogs or website. Your friend always wanted to know of what you are doing. Let them support you in order increase you revenue also.
4. Email*
Email is also the medium of attracting people. You could spreading your site to people by emaling eventhough you do not know the owner of the email. The email contact list could be request from your colleageus and friends. People always read when they received email. Try to use attractive words or persuade word.
5. Comment*
Do also comment on other people blog or hub. Frequently comments on relevant topic to your hub/blog. If unrelated hub/blog to the comment, try to avoid from happen. You could ask people to comment to your hub in order to improve you hub.
So, try all of these method from time to time. Do not give up and try to improve from day to day. You could do it.
The Best
"Starbuck Man"
Randy Flaherty