Once you’ve designed your personal brand and have a persona brand name, use this handy list of suggestions to implement your personal branding strategy.
"50+ Tips to Brand Yourself Online"
Once you’ve designed your personal brand and have a persona brand name,use this handy list of suggestions to implement your personal branding strategy.
*General purpose
* Show your expertise as much as possible.
* Publicize your brand-related successes and achievements.
* Make yourself easy to contact for thoughts and questions via email, Twitter, Skype, internet messaging, etc.
* Help other people in your industry such as bloggers, Twitterers, colleagues, advice seekers, etc.
* Give people a reason to talk about you in a positive way that also matches your brand.
* Follow other people in your industry and anyone else who can teach you how to spread your message.
* Create and apply personal design guidelines that will share the values of your brand and are reusable online and offline.
* Keep in mind that where you interact online also conveys messages about you, and then stick to the websites and communities that will help most in reaching your goals.
* Choose an appropriate avatar.
* Consider using a personal logo.
* Join brand-related communities on social media (such as LinkedIn Groups), in discussion forums, newsgroups and mailing lists.
* Be helpful by sharing links and resources that you know people will enjoy.
*Kinds of websites you could create
* An ‘ask an expert’ website to answer questions about your profession or area of expertise.
* Discussion forum about your industry that you would moderate and participate in.
* Wiki about your industry
* A social media resume
* A personally-branded version of a free online tool that your audience will find useful.
* Personal blog.
* Register your own name as a domain name. If not available, use your personal brand name or some variation that won’t confuse people and will still reinforce your brand.
* Syndicate your blog in brand-related sites and networks.
* List your blog in pertinent website, blog and RSS directories.
* Exchange blogroll placements with industry bloggers.
*Places to put your personal brand information
* Email signature
* Forum signature
* Website personal profiles (like Ning's) that allow you to fill in a short bio and list your website or blog.
* Software-based personal profiles, like skype's.
* The name field in blog comments forms should mention your personal brand name.
* The website field in blog comments forms should point at the website that best brands you, whether your blog, social media resume,Linkedin profile, or anything else.
*Social media
* Considering the time investment involved, be selective in choosing the right social media for you, and then complete your personal profiles with your branding messages.
* Use Twitter or other micro-blogging services to network, ask and answer questions, share and learn.
* Create a social bookmarking account (e.g. on del.icio.us) specifically for articles related to your profession or interest, and then encourage people to help you find related arti cles.
* Arrange to have bios posted about yourself on Wikipedia, Knol, Squidoo and other user-generated media.
* Launch a Facebook page about your industry niche.
* Tie together everything in a dedicated FriendFeed profile that allows people to follow your online activities from one source.
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