Network Marketing Reps...
If you're reading this review, then chances are you're searching for a real way you can make money and build your network marketing business online. With so much information available on the internet today, it's easy to see how new online marketers are easily distracted and confused. In this short review, I will go into MyLeadSystemPro (MLSP) and shed some light on whether or not you can succeed in building your business using the MLSP marketing system.
MyLeadSystemPro is not really a business opportunity itself, but a marketing system and community you can leverage to build your current, or any, network marketing business. It was put together by three successful internet marketers: Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz and Todd Schlomer. The goal of the system is to help internet network marketers succeed by providing a tremendous amount of training on how to effectively use the internet to make money and build their network marketing businesses.
By becoming a member of MyLeadSystemPro, you'll have access to dozens of high-converting lead capture pages that will help you generate leads. The lead capture pages are all customizable, which will allow you to brand yourself and not the system, or your company. This is important because there are so many network marketing companies out today that, honestly, they really all sound the same. For example, how many companies are online promoting that they have the best product ever, the potential to tap into an unsaturated market and open 10 countries in the next 12 months, the best comp plan in the history of the industry and the best management team ever put together? Just about every single company on the planet says these things, so it's extremely difficult for a company to stand above it's competition. However, it's very easy for an individual, in this case "you", to stand out. MLSP's custom capture pages are just one way you can brand yourself using this system.
Aside from being able to brand yourself, the real value in the MLSP system and community is the training you'll have access to. In the backoffice, there are literally hours upon hours of training webinars and videos that you can tap into that will show you how to effectively market on the internet the correct way. There's also live weekly training webinars and several training conference calls that you can plug into if you want to. Most people online have no clue how to market and that's why 97% of network marketers fail. What the successful 3% do so well is market and drive enough traffic to their website resulting in leads for their business. While there are some members who are beginners at internet marketing who get 8-10 leads a day using the system, there are experts who consistently get 200-250 leads every single day. Would it be worth it for you to learn how to generate pre-qualified leads for your business?
Lastly, while personal branding and lead generation are critical to your success online, I think the sheer genius of MyLeadSystemPro is how it teaches you to run your prospects through an affiliate funnel and market your primary network marketing opportunity on the backend. Most amateur network marketers are so busy trying to pitch their business upfront that they miss the opportunity that the MLSP system puts you in, which is to make money and profit from people who don't even join your business. This is vital because 90% of prospects will not join your business, no matter what product you're promoting or what your comp plan looks like. If this is a fact, and it is, doesn't it just make smart business sense to have systems in place to profit from this large group of people?
In a nutshell, MyLeadSystemPro addresses the two major problems that network marketers face while building their business:
1. They need more leads
2. They want more money
By using the MyLeadSystemProplatform you can solve these problems because you'll learn how to become a professional marketer, which will position you to become great a lead generation. And because you can potentially profit from every single lead you generate, whether they join your business or not, you'll be able to put cash in your pocket that can literally bankroll your network marketing business.
In closing, it's important to know that while MyLeadSystemPro can dramatically increase your results, it's just a platform that you can use to market. Simply becoming a member, and then doing nothing with it, will not give you any results. You still have to put the time in to learn the different methods of marketing, and then put in the actual time to market online. In all honesty, there may be a small learning curve if you've never marketed online before, and you may have to spend some time initially setting your MLSP system up. However, it's a learning curve that is well worth it and will position you to dominate your company and never have to struggle with your network marketing business again. After all, isn't worth learning some new skills if it meant that you would be able to generate 100+ leads a day for your business, all on autopilot?
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