There is a trend in network marketing that is so powerful, if you are not doing it you are literally missing out on a TON of money. It's called internet marketing.
What is internet marketing? There are actually endless layers of strategies that fall under the category of internet marketing. Google ads, Social Media, Press Releases, ezines, Solo ads, Blogging, Yahoo ads, Video marketing, etc. I work with and train hundreds of people around the world in internet and network marketing and the description I give is "We create a virtual mirror image of you on the internet where you expose and recruit people to your business 24 hours a day-7 days a week." When one of you are sleeping or on vacation the "virtual you" is still online working. Pretty cool right?
When I first got involved in network marketing my upline was telling to make a list of everyone I know, go to all these meetings, and talk to everyone within 3 feet of me then teach others to duplicate that. 97% of people fail using those techniques, so why in the world would I want to teach my team duplicate that? I knew there was a better way and decided to research what else was working for people in this industry.
I came across Mike Dillards Magnetic Sponsoring from a good friend. This was a very eye opening discovery for me as it was EXACTLY the type of information I was seeking. Anyone who is serious about making money in network marketing should visit that website and grab a copy of will thank me later for this. Here was the first time I heard terms like "attraction marketing," "self funded campaign," and "magnetic sponsoring." I actually request all my team read this as they join because the information gained can literally determine if you are going to fail or be successful. Plus we will speak the same "language" while building our team.
Now my brain was totally primed for this attraction marketing and I searched for avenues to apply this over the internet. I tried a few companies and systems that were total failures. Crossed those off my list and kept searching. Finally as fate would have it....I came across the MLSP online attraction marketing lead system that was designed specifically based off the principles of what Mike Dillard was writing and teaching about. WOW! I was thrilled to find it and eager to put MLSP to the test for my business.
MLSP has simple step by step videos that allow anyone to turn into a legit internet marketer in a few hours...opposed to a few months or years it takes for most. They offer FREE webinars with access to some really fantastic industry leaders. I was really excited when Mike Dillard did a live webinar for the members a few weeks ago. I began to generate leads everyday for my business once I put this system to work for me. I have not looked back since and my businesses are thriving. I take a lot of pride in working with others and showing them the template me and other successful marketers use everyday.
So if you want to be successful in network "marketing"...make sure you have a complete online "marketing" system that the top 5% of money earners are using like MLSP or
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