“Be the energy you want to attract.” “It’s already yours – Universe.” “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Believe you deserve it and the universe will serve it.”
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Starbuck Minnesota Cash Cow
With a commitment to helping people, LiveGood brings you the most advanced nutritional supplements on the market, made with only the purest, highest quality, results-driven ingredients on the planet, without the expensive pricing mark-ups of other companies.
Live Good, Inc. was founded in 2012 as a direct response to current unhealthy global manufacturing conditions. While examining factory production in Asia, Live Good Founder saw first hand the devastating toll present-day mass manufacturing has on human rights and the environment. Live Good was created to juxtapose this outdated, environmentally and socially destructive model.
Our goal is to model and inspire conscientious manufacturing: promoting local, organic methods that make a positive impact on people and the planet. By manufacturing in the United States, Live Good can ensure that the highest standards of hygiene and fair labor practices are maintained. All products are manufactured in California using 100% certified organic source materials and eco-conscious, community-minded practices.
Jennifer has devoted her entire career to working on human rights matters. From her work at a public interest law firm in San Francisco to her policy experience in Washington D.C. and abroad, her passion for improving the lives of others has always been clear.
Born in Detroit, Michigan, Jennifer would spend hours as a child painting landscape scenes, reading, and writing songs on the guitar.
Later, while receiving her B.A. from Stanford University, Jennifer focused on International Relations and Philosophy, assisting scholars at the Hoover Research Institution in analyzing disease migration in developing nations. Her first job out of college was at a public interest law firm where she helped register and place homeless people into shelters and counseled detained children who had been trafficked into the country. She spent time at the U.S. Department of Education working on policy issues concerning school construction and safety in the post Columbine era. She earned her law degree from George Washington University before becoming an investigator examining factory production in Asia and working on human rights cases. As a human rights investigator, Jennifer observed countless workers overseas get sick from toxic materials, unsanitary conditions, while laboring excessively long hours for minimal compensation.
Through her international experiences, Jennifer formed a vision of a new mode of commerce that would prioritize human and environmental health.
“It took a global pandemic to put everything into perspective. When life and death are at the forefront of your mind, the little things fade away. What really matters is love, family, community, and the chance to serve others. In the end, we are all human with the same basic needs… We are all equal and profoundly connected.”
– Live Good Founder & CEO, Jennifer Chi, CEO of Live Good Inc. Supports Employees During Mass Business Closures, May 2020
“As a woman, I feel fortunate to have been born and raised in the United States. The one thing that is always on my mind when traveling abroad is the state of women in that particular region. Although I find all cultures and countries to be beautiful in their own way, I see that gender inequality is alarmingly prevalent around the world. Growing up in the States, I had the opportunity to attain a college and graduate school education — an opportunity that most women in developing nations do not have. Why was it important to manufacture in the USA? I wanted my company to be a strong reflection of my values and principles, which are rooted in the American civil liberties culture.”
Randy Flaherty